Kombu-what? Cheers to this healthy new drink trend!

You’ve heard about it from your favorite health influencers, you’ve noticed it on supermarket shelves, and you might have even seen as one of Elon’s boujee new dining hall drink choices...so what is kombucha?

What its made of:

Kombucha is a type of fermented tea. The ingredients added to create this unique beverage are simple: tea (usually black or green), water, sugar, and SCOBY (which stands for a “symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast.”)

What it takes like:

Fermented? Like alcohol? I have to admit, I was slightly taken aback when I had my first sip. It’s fizzy and has a strong, acquired taste. Don’t worry though, you aren’t going to get carded when buying kombucha! The alcohol content is almost always 0.5% or less, so sadly it’s not enough to get you white girl wasted (sorry ladies).

The real taste depends on the specific flavor of your choosing, but once you get used to it you will be hooked.

Why is it good for you?

Maybe it's placebo, maybe it's even Maybelline, but something about this drink has healing powers. As someone who is skeptical about “natural remedies”, I wasn’t too sure if drinking kombucha would really work for me. I kid you not, one bottle of this stuff and I was feeling like a brand new woman.

Here are some of the benefits of drinking kombucha:

It’s great for your gut!

This drink has tons of probiotics, keeping your digestive system on the right track.

It keeps you healthy!

Kombucha has the ability to kill microbes and even fight bad bacteria.

It reduces toxins!

Since kombucha contains some antioxidants, it helps reduce toxins in your body.

It’s heart healthy!

Some studies have shown that it actually can help keep your cholesterol levels low. Wow.

There are more and more studies coming out about kombucha, and we can’t wait to see what else this super drink can do! Drink up!

Dowling King