Finals Frenzy: How to Stay Stress Free

After the holidays, it can be hard to regroup and focus on your school work. With thanksgiving break over, and winter break in less than three weeks, finals are creeping up on us. It is important to maintain a steady routine so your life doesn’t feel like it’s completely falling apart.


Above all else, it is important to get enough sleep if you know you have a big final or a few projects coming up. It is not a smart move to go to the library and stay up all night to cram in that assignment you waited until the last minute to do. If this means staying in on a Tuesday or Thursday, when you usually go out with friends, then so be it. You’ll be happy with the results when you feel rested and prepared for the work you have to do.


Although sleep is important, too much “nap time” can actually hurt you. I always feel so much better when I go to the gym and get a good workout in before I study. Working out helps you feel more productive, gets your head in the right space and helps you maintain a better sleep schedule. If you are going to procrastinate studying, at least grab your headphones and sneakers and head to the gym so you can get your day started off right.


If you are feeling stressed out about a specific paper or test coming up don’t forget about all the important resources Elon has to offer. The writing and tutoring centers can help ease your stress and give you a designated time you tell yourself you will study. It can be easy to get distracted when you are sitting in bed or in a common area trying to do work with your friends. Going to get help from either tutors or professors can help you concentrate and focus on the material better so in the end, you’ll have better retention of the information you’re going over.


It’s easy to feel anxious when you hear all your friends talking about how much they have to do to prepare for the end of the year. If you can, tune it out. And if you can’t, don’t partake in the crazy. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed, but make sure not to let other people's stress add to your own. We all have enough going on during finals week that we don’t need to add the mayhem of everyone else to it too. Remember it’s okay not to feel calm, but at least trying to stay calm will help with every situation you’re thrown in.


When I was younger my mom taught me this “five rule” that helped me with any situation throughout high school. “How will this affect you in five minutes, five hours, five days, five weeks, five months, and five years?” I ask myself this a lot whenever I feel overwhelmed with a bad grade or I feel as if I haven’t prepared for a test, quiz, or presentation enough. Although this isn’t the best thing to hear with finals coming up, but sometimes it is okay to fail. If you get a grade back that you aren’t happy with or accidentally forget to study a specific topic for a test, ask yourself the “five rule.” Chances are, one bad midterm grade will not affect you in five years.  


Make sure to take breaks while you study and look out for yourself. Don’t let a few tests consume the last few weeks here at Elon before we go home. Do a few fun things with your friends, but manage your time wisely. If you feel like you’re in a frenzy, take a shower and calm down or go out to eat with friends. Study should help you not stress you out to no end.

LifestyleZoe Lewis