Hydrate or Dydrate

As college students, it is all too easy to forget about self care or put it on the back burner of things to do. One easy and cheap way to increase your energy, brain power, boost your immune system and even take ~the edge~ off a pretty bad hangover, is by staying hydrated. Studies show that women who drink 90 ounces (11 cups) of water a day experience numerous long term benefits. So pull up Amazon, order yourself a cute trendy new water bottle, and read about all the good things that come out of staying hydrated.

First let’s look over the repercussions of being dehydrated. Very often, people go through their day not realizing they are dehydrated. Signs of dehydration can be very clear such as experiencing thirst, dry mouth, cloudy urine, etc., but did you know that chapped lips is your body’s first way of letting you know you’re dehydrated? Long term effects of dehydration can be headaches, feeling tired or lethargic, dizziness, etc.

So, how can drinking water regularly change my life for the better? Let’s find out!

Improves skin complexion

Your skin is your body’s biggest organ. Keeping it hydrated means that it won’t try and hydrate itself by producing oils which cause acne. Drinking water keeps your skin hydrated, moisturized, and can help prevent wrinkles.

Elevates your mood

When your organs and insides are feeling good and being well taken care of, your mental health and overall vibes will be so much better! One way to make sure you have a great day is to start your day, even before breakfast, with a large glass of water.

Boosts/maintains a healthy immune system

Drinking plenty of water has been shown as a direct connection to a healthy immune system (especially during flu season). Drinking plenty of water flushes out the toxins in your blood and helps to maintain good oxygen circulation throughout your body.

Prevents/helps get rid of headaches

When you’re dehydrated, very often you get headaches because your body loses the fluids it needs to function properly. Scientifically, the brain starts to shrink which causes it to ache.

Can prevent small injuries

Dehydrated muscles are more prone to injuries. Being hydrated makes your muscles more flexible and ready for the exertion to come!

Take that cute water bottle out of your wish list and put it into your cart! Staying hydrated will keep you on top of your game and make your days even better. Self care should be #1!



LifestyleEmma Trimbur