Six Simple Steps to Clearer Skin
1. Wash your pillowcase
It is important to wash your pillowcase at least once a week, ideally with fragrance-free detergent and no fabric softener. Just this simple step can help you avoid unwanted germs and bacteria from getting on your face!
PHOTO: courtesy of Oh, Susannah
2. Wipe down your phone
Our phone goes just about anywhere we do and collects germs along the way. Cleaning your phone with a sanitary phone wipe or homemade remedy a couple of times a week will greatly reduce the bacteria, and your face will thank you for it!
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3. Use oil free lotions
Oil-based lotions include ingredients that clog pores, while oil-free lotions do not bind to the skin, allowing the skin to breathe. They are also a great way to prime your skin before adding tinted moisturizer or makeup!
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4. Do not touch your face
It can be hard not to touch your face, but remember that all the oils and bacteria on your hands will get on your face. Avoid resting your head on your hand during class!
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5. Clean your brushes
Try to clean your makeup brushes and beauty blender once a week. A great alternative to brush cleaner is baby soap because it is gentle on the bristles.
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6. Wash your face before and after working out
Washing your face before working out will prevent makeup from mixing with sweat and clogging your pores. Make up wipes are a great way to cleanse your face on the go!
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