7 Apps for Self Care

  1. For Meditation: Headspace

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With thoughts running through your mind, it can be hard to prioritize the things in life that matter. Meditation is a great way to recenter yourself and calm your mind. Headspace is a go-to app for guided meditation, especially if you are just beginning. It offers a variety of guided meditations ranging from short, quick guides to longer ones. While some meditations cost money, others are available on the free version of the app. 

  1. For Your Fitness Goals: Classpass

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Fitness is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, as it contributes to both physical and mental wellbeing. Classpass is a monthly membership to fitness classes in your area, making it easier and cheaper to attend the fitness classes that you’re interested in. Classpass is personal to both your interests and your schedule, and makes it easier to get moving. 

  1. For Your Sleep Cycle: Shleep

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Consistent and lengthy sleep is easily the best way to improve both mental and physical heath; however, it is extremely easy to let sleep take a backseat to other obligations. The Shleep app is a tool that allows you to track your sleep habits and provides personalized tips to aid with falling asleep faster and getting better sleep. Another option for keeping track of your sleep is available on the Clock app on iPhone. 

  1. For Setting Goals and General Self Care: Shine

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Shine is your go-to app for daily motivation, meditation, and self-improvement, especially if you are looking for a one-stop-shop for mental health. It includes features such as meditation guides, sleep tracking, and self-care programs. 

  1. For Decompressing: Colorfy

A new fad in self-care and de-stressing techniques is adult coloring; but, if big coloring books and packs of colored pencils aren’t your things, the Colorfy app is a go-to for an easy de-stressing activity. This app allows you to create beautiful masterpieces and recenter your brain right on your phone. 

  1. For Writing Down Your Thoughts: Five Minute Journal 

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Journaling is a commonly known de-stressor; but keeping up with a journal can oftentimes be overwhelming, and it is easy to forget to journal when there are so many other things to get done. Five Minute Journal is an easy way to quickly write down your thoughts wherever you are, and at any time of day. With prompts to help you start writing, this app will help you stay up to date on your journaling and is the perfect for those who have always wanted to journal but never could start. 

  1. For Managing Your Time: Moment 

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Ironically, Moment is an app to help you get off your phone. Moment helps you prioritize the moments in life that matter, and assist you using your phone in ways that are productive and healthy. With daily exercises and coaching audio clips, this app is perfect for those who feel attached to their phones and detached from their own lives.