Best Movies for the Lovers of Drama, Romance and Mystery

We’ve compiled a list of our ultimate favorite films and, trust us, you won’t regret watching any of them. We’ve even included the trailer for each one below!


  • Miss Sloane - This movie might seem slow at first, and we thought so too. But as it progresses it just gets better and better until . . .WHAM! Huge plot twist at the end that just ties everything together perfectly.


  • The Lighthouse - A complete psychological thriller. A must see if you’re into that sort of thing.


  • Arrival - Please do yourself a favor and watch this film! During the whole thing you think it’s going in one direction and then there’s a HUGE, awesome twist. Definitely a must see - No wonder it was nominated for a bunch of awards.


  • 10 Cloverfield Lane - Beware, this will definitely make you feel weird after watching, but it’s just so good. It’ll have you on the edge of your seat the entire time


  • American Hustle - Yet another favorite, and it’s based on a true story. With an amazing cast of Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Jeremy Renner, and so much more, this movie is set in the 1970s. You know what that mean . . . Amazing fashion trends with an amazing soundtrack. Bale and Adams play con artists who are caught by the FBI, but instead of jailing the cons the FBI uses them in their under cover sting to screw over a well-loved mayor. Need we say more?



  • Brooklyn - One of our favorites! A love story set in the 1950s about a girl from Ireland who moves to Brooklyn for a better future. There she finds love, heartbreak, and a new life. We promise you’ll love this movie.


  • Call Me By Your Name - A beautiful movie with so much subtle symbolism. Armie Hammer and Timothée Chalamet’s characters slowly fall in love during the summer of 1983 in Italy, and it’s just . . . Just so beautiful please watch. You’ll also never look at peaches the same way again.


  • Loving Vincent - A painting about Vincent van Gogh’s life, but in movie form. This is a beautiful masterpiece of a movie, and the first ever fully painted feature film. Want a sneak peak? One of the scenes is the cover photo for this article!


  • Lady Bird - What we would call a comical drama. This perfectly captures the relationship between mother and daughter, and we guarantee it’ll have you laughing.


Let us know which movies are your faves over at our Instagram @theedgemag !!