Anxiety: You’re Not Alone

While you likely can’t cure it all on your own, here are some helpful tips for a less anxious life.

In our generation, anxiety is everywhere. People all around you suffer from it, and many work to break down stereotypes and stigmas surrounding the issue. While society has made a lot of progress in regards to mental health issues, we still have a long way to go. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from anxiety, then here are some helpful ways to cope.

First of all, just because you haven't formally seen a psychiatrist and been “diagnosed,” doesn’t mean your anxiety isn't real. People often go years without being diagnosed for any number of reasons, which can often make them feel like their mental health isn't valid or that they can simply get over it themselves. That's not the case at all, and if you believe you suffer from anxiety or any mental health issues in general then you should absolutely reach out for help. Here at Elon, Counseling Services is free and totally non-judgmental. You don't have to tell anyone about it if you don't feel comfortable, but talking to a therapist can really do wonders.

Regardless of whether or not you see a therapist, there are some little tricks that can help calm yourself down when you’re feeling anxious. It sounds super weird, but a therapist once said that when you feel yourself panicking and your mind starts racing, focus on the space between your toes. While you may roll your eyes and call it dumb, it can actually be super helpful. It simply works as a device to distract your mind and slow down the rush of emotions accompanied with anxiety. It certainly won’t cure it, but it can be a temporary solution to stopping a panic attack in its tracks.

Another helpful tip is to wear a small ring or bracelet. When you start to feel anxious, subtly fidget with it and focus on how it feels. Similar to the toe trick, it distracts you and gives you something better to think about. If you have jewelry with a special meaning that reminds you of something happy, that's even better. Anything to distract your mind and force you to take a deep breath can be helpful, but again, is not a cure by any means.

So many people think that anxiety can simply be solved by “thinking about something else.” If you are a fellow anxious person, then you've more than likely heard it at some point. Don’t let that simple phrase make your mental health feel insignificant. If the cure to mental health issues was as simple as that then the world would be a much happier place. While distraction can be a temporary bandage, it is crucial to seek help and figure out a course of action for treating your anxiety in the long run.

Everyone’s anxiety is of course very different, and therapy is always super important whether you suffer from mental health issues or not. Talking things out and getting professional help is always the best option. Above all else, remember you’re not alone and  anxiety is a perfectly valid issue that you can’t solve on your own.

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