Hot vs. Cold Showers?

There is a lot of talk in the beauty and health industry about the benefits of hot vs. cold showers. Just as much talk as there is regarding the pros, many professionals acknowledge that there are cons to both as well. So, what’s the truth? Are there health benefits to one temperature over the other?

More often than not, we crave a hot shower over a cold one. A hot shower is an easy way to relax and recover from a long stressful day. Turns out, hot showers are scientifically proven to help your body relax as they stimulate muscle relaxation. The heat from the shower also has an effect on your parasympathetic nervous system, which makes your body feel tired and creates a calming effect. Another helpful benefit to hot showers is the steam, which helps to open up your airways and can relieve cold symptoms.

Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks to hot showers as well. Dr. Jacqueline Schaffer M.D. says that the hot water can have a negative effect on your skin. There is a negative impact on your keratin cells, which help to lock in moisture resulting in dry skin. The hot water can also worsen skin conditions such as eczema. One of the ways to combat this negative impact of hot showers is to always apply lotion as soon as you dry off!

As uncomfortable and agitating a cold shower can be, there are many benefits. Contrary to hot showers, which can irritate your skin, cold showers are very beneficial in calming irritated skin and reducing the urge to itch conditions like eczema. A cold shower is also very effective in waking your body up and increasing energy. The shock of the cold water increases your heart rate and oxygen intake which wakes up your body and helps you kick start your day. Cold water is also very healthy for your hair and skin. Blood flow constricts from the cold water which has a hand in giving your skin and hair a “healthy glow,” according to Schaffer.

A negative to cold showers is that the cold temperature can be tough on your immune system. If you’re feeling under the weather or have a cold, stick to a hot shower to open those airways and get back to your normal self.  

There are pros and cons to both hot and cold showers. The best advice we can give is to listen to your body and do what you need to make you feel your best. If that means taking a cold shower in the morning before a tough exam, go for it. Or if you’d prefer a long, hot shower after a bad day, godspeed! Don’t get wrapped up in myths that you read online about beauty habits. Make sure to fact check and make the right choices to prioritize your self care!