Wait… So What's Elon Actually Like?

I’m sure we all remember our first few weeks at Elon— not knowing where our classes were and worrying about making friends. But somehow it all fell into place eventually.  

Cia Galatas, Peyton Rohlfs, and Courtney Shanley are the new kids on campus this year, and within the first three weeks of adjusting to their new life in college, they have already learned a thing or two. 

While sitting in Rohlfs’ cozy dorm in the Global Neighborhood, the girls opened up about their new college life and some things they weren’t expecting.

“I didn’t know what to do with all the free time I had,” Galatas mentioned. “I was expecting to be more busy!” 

“I was worried about making friends,” Shanley said. “But I found a good group of girls pretty quickly by putting myself out there.” 

Rohlfs found herself being stressed and on edge because of the sudden change of scenery.

“My mom recommended that I take time for myself and try to relax which really helped.” 

When asking the girls if they ever felt homesick, there were a variety of answers. Long story short, it’s different for everyone. 

Galatas and Shanley found themselves extremely homesick when they were alone, so they tried to occupy themselves by being around other people. Rohlfs, however, has not felt homesick yet because she knows she will get a taste of home when family weekend comes around this month.

It’s important to remember that everyone is going through the same thing as you, but everyone also handles things differently.

If you’re really missing home, you’re not alone. So many people are too, even if they don’t talk about it. Everyone is struggling with something, whether that be making friends or getting involved… it all just takes time! 

All the girls agreed that they can not believe how friendly everyone is and how easy it is to talk to someone new. 

Elon has an abundant amount of resources to help you adjust and find different places within campus where you belong. Don’t be afraid to reach out. Everyone is here to help!