FoxVose: Your New Plug for All-Things-Beauty

Sophomores Hannah Fox and Jeana Vose met on freshman move-in day – the same day that marked the beginning of a lifelong friendship. But a friendship wasn’t the only thing that started that day.

Before meeting in person, Fox and Vose had talked about potentially starting an eyelash extension business. So, Fox reached out to Vose and asked if it was something she’d consider.

“What are the odds you could learn to glue hair onto peoples’ eyelids?” Fox said. Luckily, those odds were high.

Now, the two are operating Elon’s very own one-stop beauty shop, aptly named ‘FoxVose.’ #Adulting. 

Their passion for beauty, however, started long before starting a business together. Both came into college with years of experience, trialing, and erring. While Fox was doing her boss’ hair and makeup, Vose was “rumbling” through her older sister’s makeup and experimenting on her friends.

Upon arriving at Elon, they decided that “building a brand” for themselves was their first priority, Fox said. So they started with probably the largest promotional tool of the century: Instagram (@FoxVose). This is where the duo took advantage of their keen eyes for graphic design and visual appeal. 

They’ve since established their own unique aesthetic - a beautiful combination of yellows, stars, graphic art and empowering messages - and have had no issue attracting business, whether that’s sorority sisters, neighbors, or random people who compliment Fox on her luscious lashes in between classes.

This year, they’re taking the business to a whole new level. Eyelash styles are “more refined,” Fox said. The duo provides three eyelash styles: The Cat Eye, The Plump and Plush, and The Basic Lash.

But, since lashes are applied individually, the customer really has the freedom to customize lengths and style.

“It depends on the style they want,” Fox said. “I will say that the longer ones on the outside tend to look the best. It tends to add ‘a doll-eye effect,’” Vose said.

FoxVose has been so successful that the girls are extending their services to makeup and brow treatments as well. Eyelashes, makeup, and brows?! Yes please.   

If you ask any business owner, they’ll tell you that busy = good. But running a successful business while trying to keep up with a college workload and social life isn’t simple.

“There were times when I would do someone’s eyelashes while Hannah was asleep in her bed,” Vose said.

So now, they’re doing what they can to increase the “level of professionalism,” as Fox puts it.

Instead of booking through Instagram DM, customers are now able to book through an aesthetically pleasing, easy-to-use website that Fox has spent (what seems like) forever perfecting.  

Not only have they created a brand for themselves, but also a community. The two noted that they’ve made some of their best friends through the intimate process of getting to know their customers, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

And the best part of it all? Not only do the customers leave with killer looks (and I mean killer), but also unfaltering confidence. It sounds like you should book your own beauty sesh ASAP… 

Bookings made here: ttps:// 

Instagram: @FoxVose