The BEST (and the WORST) Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Flavored Snacks

Alright, it’s no secret that when it comes to grocery shopping, Trader Joe’s reigns supreme. Especially during holiday times. With Halloween and Thanksgiving right around the corner, TJ’s has unveiled some festive pumpkin-flavored treats that are just to die for. 

Who has time to make the 40 minute trek to TJ’s, spend over an hour perusing the shelves of the store seeking out all things pumpkin-flavored, and then going home and trying them all? Sounds exhausting. Well, we do!

So spare yourself the effort and listen to us. Here are the best and the worst Trader Joe’s pumpkin flavored foods this fall season. (We separated them into three categories: Get In My Belly, “Meh, Just Okay” and “Don’t Waste Your Money.”)

Pumpkin Spice Pretzel Thins: Get In My Belly 


We’re starting this one off with a showstopper. A combination of salty and sweet? There’s truly nothing better. The yogurt coating is topped with pumpkin spiced pumpkin seeds. You read that right. Even the pumpkin seeds are pumpkin-spice flavored. 

“This Pumpkin Walks Into a Bar” Cereal Bar: Don’t Waste Your Money


When we first bit into this, we thought it was going to be similar to a fig newton, with a soft exterior and a luscious, gelatinous pumpkin filling. Sadly, we were more than disappointed. It tasted like cardboard at best, and only after the initial bite did we get a smidge of a pumpkin after taste. Not worth it, and it was definitely disappointing to say the least.

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Spread:Get In My Belly


Sweet cream cheese is SUCH a treat , so when we found out TJ’s came out with their own brand of pumpkin-flavored cream cheese, we knew we had to try it. We gave it an 8 because you really can’t do this treat wrong. The texture is light, almost whipped, and is definitely not as dense as regular cream cheese. This one’s a hit!

Pumpkin Butter: Meh, Just Okay


We really wanted to like this, but honestly, it just kinda tastes like a pumpkin-ish flavored jelly. It’s good on crackers, fine on toast, but overall, there’s nothing much really to it. We say, if you wanna try it, go for it, but it definitely won’t be bought again

Pumpkin Ginger - Hold the Cone!: Get In My Belly


We already know the traditional chocolate and vanilla Hold the Cones! Are incredible, but this pumpkin flavored cone takes it to the next level. The actual cone has a flavor that tastes just like gingerbread, and the cold pumpkin ice cream in the center is everything. Topped with a delicious confectionary coating, you’ll be finding yourself having at least one a night, (or two or three, we won’t judge!)

Pumpkin Waffles: Don’t Waste Your Money


These waffles had the potential to be so good. We even went all out with a vanilla ice cream topping, cinnamon, and powdered sugar. However, not even chocolate chips could save this soggy treat of nothingness. The flavor is bland, the texture is bleh, and honestly, you’re better off sticking to Aunt Jemimah if you ask us.

Pumpkin Bisque: Meh, Just Okay


We feel that any fall-flavored soup tastes the same, whether it be autumn harvest, butternut squash, or this TJ’s pumpkin one. Maybe worth a try, but definitely don’t go out of your way. 

Pumpkin Chocolate Chunk Oatmeal Cookie Mix: Get In My Belly


This cookie is EVERYTHING. It comes as a dry mixture, and all you have to do is add an egg, some butter, and water. (We obviously added some extra chocolate chips and it made all the difference.) The chewiness the oatmeal brings to the table makes for a harmonious blend with the semi-sweet chocolate. If ‘warm hug’ was a flavor, this would be it. Sprinkle some flaky sea salt on top, and please, just thank us later. 

Pumpkin Joe-Joe’s: Meh, Just Okay


Joe Joe’s are Trader Joe’s version of Oreo’s, and while they’re tasty, they don’t really compare to the real thing. You want the cookie to taste exactly like an Oreo but the differences in the texture of the cookie and the taste of the cream filling just doesn’t really deliver. You can buy them as a fun seasonal treat, but don’t expect too much. 

Pumpkin Cranberry Crisps: Get In My Belly


Okay, we saved the best for last here. We honestly didn’t expect these to taste as good as they do, but after finishing our last box, we’ve honestly all been craving them even more. They’re not quite crispy, but not quite chewy either. It’s the perfect balance of textures, and the pumpkin, cranberry, and thyme seasoning blend so well together. These crackers have  the taste you never knew you needed. Spice up your next charcuterie board, dip in your new pumpkin cream cheese spread, or go crazy and eat them by themselves. They’re WELL worth it. 

So, take our advice when you find yourself on your next Trader Joe’s run, and be sure to tag @theedgemag and show us your #pumpkinhaul!

LifestyleJackie Baumann