What to do While Bored in the Q

Whether you’re in quarantine, anticipating to have to quarantine soon, or are just bored in general, we have created some creative ideas for you and your friends to do while in the big “Q” (quarantine). Obviously this school year is far from what we all would deem “normal” or “ideal.” Trust me, we get it. There have been days where we all sit in bed and stare at the ceiling and think “why now?” Why do WE have to be in college while all of this COVID chaos is going on. You try to look on the bright side, and maybe that positivity lasts for 2 days, or 2 weeks, but eventually you go back to feeling bored and wishing things would return to semi-normal. We hear you, we are with you, and we have compiled activities to make those gloomy days feel a bit more upbeat. 

  1. Pumpkin Carving: 

Let’s get in the Halloween/Thanksgiving spirit with some good old fashion pumpkin carving! If you have friends that aren’t quarantining, ask them to drop off some pumpkins and supplies at your door so you and your roommates can get creative! It’s a shame people our age don’t usually have pumpkin carving parties anymore, because let's face it- our design skills are significantly better now than they were when we were 10.  

2. Learn a Language: 

No seriously, this could be really cool. The idea of doing an “extra” class may not excite everyone, but why not? Even just scrolling through YouTube and learning the basics of a language that has always interested you, could be enough to get your brain stimulated and not thinking about the fact you’re trapped inside. Who knows, maybe if you start really diving into the language it could be your first vacation after travel restrictions lift! 

3. Become an Expert on a Topic: 

While different members of The Edge have been quarantining, we have discovered interests we never knew we had. Whether you learn everything about how North Korea operates, to how to create your own fashion line, the possibilities are endless. Again, YouTube is a great place to start. Come out of quarantine with newfound knowledge to share with others!

4. Rewatch your Favorite Series/ Reread your Favorite Book: 

We forgot how much we adore “Gossip Girl,” “Friends,” “90210,” and the “Jersey Shore”! Although this won’t “stimulate” your brain, it’s a simple, good way to pass time when you don’t feel like leaving your bed. Starting a new show can be fun too (especially if it’s “Emily in Paris”… 10/10 recommend), but there is something comforting about rewatching a show you used to love if you’re feeling down or anxious. Similarly to rewatching your favorite show, rereading your favorite book can fill that same comfort. 

5. Start a Blog/ Vlog: 

Why not blog or vlog your “Quarantine Halloween” or “Day in the Life as a Quarantined College Student.” We all secretly have the desire to start a YouTube channel, why not now? There is plenty of time in the Q to film, edit, and publish your content. You may think your day to day life is boring, but it very likely is relatable to someone else out there. If you don’t feel comfortable posting your work, keep it so you remember what these times were like! Whether or not we like to admit it, we are living through a significant moment in history. It would be really cool for us to be able to show our kids or grandchildren what we were doing and what our lives were like during the 2020 global pandemic.

LifestyleZoe Lewis