5 Serious Concerns "Snowden" Raises

The 2016 movie “Snowden” has just begun trending on Netflix for its crazy story line and prevalence to current issues in modern society. The movie is based on Edward Joseph Snowden and his experience working for the CIA and NSA. Snowden gained inside access to government data bases and became a “whistle blower”-- he leaked highly classified government information to the public. This movie is SO worth the watch. Although the movie is amazing, some scenes will make you wish you were born before the internet and force you to reconsider how you interact with your iPhone and Mac.


We are all aware that the government can see what we are doing, but the extent to that is far more concerning than we previously knew. This movie calls out the government and raises these serious concerns that align with other trending movies such as “The Great Hack” and “The Social Network.”


 1. The 4th Amendment is Not So Transparent:

We all think we know the 4th Amendment from what our middle school history classes taught… 

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Seems reasonable and pretty simple, but this movie raises concerns about its context. Snowden stole government documents and data that proved the NSA spies on every Google search, text, email, post, picture and even simple taps on any given button. Although the 4th Amendment states people’s privacy shall not be violated by the government, the movie Snowden proves just the opposite.


2. The Push of a Button Can Do Wonders:

Although the movie is dramatized, it shows multiple scenes that indicate the NSA has the power to control anything with just a click of a button. Whether that means taking down a whole country’s WiFi, exploiting private information, or even trading secrets, one click is all it takes. Even though we live in this “digital age,” at what point is it infringing on our lives for a government personnel to have easy access to our screens?


3. Texts and Emails are Not Private:

Private browsers are not private, and who knows what’s going to happen one day when the “cloud” explodes? All of these concerns were highlighted in the movie and show how serious your digital footprint is. Remember that embarrassing message you sent in seventh grade? Or those screenshots from your ex…  The government was able to read all of those and can still access them even if they were sent on a now broken iPhone 4 that sits in your parents’ drawer at home. This is a good reminder not to cyberbully or send messages you wouldn’t want pasted for the whole world to see.


4. Keep Those Sticky Notes on Your Cameras:

The most shocking scene in “Snowden” was when Edward figured out the government could spy from the other side of their computer screen. Whether you are a girl changing with an open laptop, or just doing your homework, it is so important to be knowledgeable on the fact hackers and the NSA can access your camera at any given moment.


  5. Fighting for What You Believe in Can Be Hard, But Rewarding:

Edward Snowden, after revealing all the moral issues he faced when working in the government, became America's Most Wanted Man. To this day, he resides in Russia where the US government cannot arrest him. This shows that sometimes doing the right thing has major consequences, but if you think it is worth it, then nothing else should matter. This movie gives us insight into the endless information and power the government has on all of us, and regardless of any view on that, it is our right to know, and this movie tells us the story of how the public found out.

LifestyleZoe Lewis