The AOC Style

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, more commonly known as AOC, is a woman always on the run. From making sure people have access to healthcare, raising the minimum wage, to speaking out on social justice, AOC is always working hard. The best thing about her go-go-go work ethic, is that she does it for her community and for everyone in America.

Since elected into office in 2018, AOC has garnered much criticism from people everywhere.  She has been called unintelligent, frivolous, and even more offensive names from other members of Congress. However, her clothing style, beauty choices, and attitude are an icon for other women in politics to emulate.  

A lot of the choices that AOC makes are an ode to her culture as Puerto Rican-American and to challenge the masculine authority in politics. She has shared her skincare and beauty tips as well as her  daily routine. She shares how important these choices are as they dictate how we will spend our day and how others will perceive us throughout our day. 

If you are looking for some inspiration in your own daily routine from the queen AOC herself, check our insider look below:

A Hearty Breakfast: AOC usually begins her morning with either peanut butter or almond butter spread on top of toast. To limit her coffee intake, she likes to make her own matcha tea. How are you starting your day?

Slow Down: Taking the time to slow down is something we should incorporate into our schedules. AOC describes this as a time to meditate to fully become self aware of our surroundings and ourselves. 

Vitamin C and Moisturizing: Vitamin C is one of the most researched and respected antioxidants that helps our skin look glowy and healthy. AOC argues that moisturizing is equally as important as incorporating Vitamin C into your routine. 

SPF: “Don’t play games with sunscreen!” says AOC, and it’s true. Sunscreen should be incorporated as the last step in everyone’s skincare routine. AOC says to be generous with your sunscreen since too much is better than too little. If you are just starting out with sunscreen check out our guide to sunscreen.

Bold Red Lip: Whenever you see AOC wearing red lipstick, it’s always the Stila Liquid Lipstick in the Beso. It serves as the final touch to put your look together. AOC mentions this is the perfect boost to your confidence.

Gold Hoops: “Lip and hoops were inspired by Sonia Sotomayor, who was advised to wear neutral-colored nail polish to her confirmation hearings to avoid scrutiny. She kept her red,” tweeted AOC the day after she was sworn into Congress. Gold hoops are part of her identity as a Latina woman. Her induction day was a day she chose not to cast her heritage aside. 

*Cover photo credit: Vanity Fair

LifestyleAlejandra Gonzalez