Improve Your Mental Health By Implementing a Balanced Morning Routine

While mental health is always important, taking care of your mental well-being is especially relevant now. Throughout the next few weeks, you might experience seasonal depression along with ongoing pandemic-related anxiety or even stress surrounding the current political landscape.

One way to take care of yourself mentally is to develop a morning routine. A study done by Harvard Health shows that the first few hours of a day impact your overall health and happiness. For many, morning routines are simple; wake up, brush teeth, eat breakfast, and go to work. As the months go on, though, it’s critical to take time for yourself in the morning. Further studies done by Harvard Health show that changing your morning routine every once in a while and creating time for yourself help to decrease stress and anxiety while increasing productivity. Below are some tips to help start your day off on the right foot.

Don’t hit snooze

After setting your alarm clock an hour earlier, you’ll be shocked by how much more you can fit into your day, not just because of the extra time. Research done by Lee Chambers, a British environmental psychologist, revealed that the early hours of the day are prime and “set our pattern for the rest of the day.” Use the early hours of the day to make time for self-care, rather than letting a lazy—or overly rushed—morning set the tone for the day ahead.


Limit screen time

Not looking at your phone for the first 30 minutes of the morning will make a huge difference in your day. It can make you feel more relaxed, refreshed, and calm—a great start to a stress-free day.



The best way to be present and relax your mind is through meditation. The goal of meditation is to focus your attention on the “now.” Meditating gives you time to decompress and engage with your thoughts. Even five minutes will make a big difference!


Move your body

Exercising in the morning gets both the mind and body moving. Increasing your activity levels in the morning is a perfect way to start your day. Even a short jog or walk will help clear your mind and prep you to take on the day.


Clean your room

We’ve all heard that a “clean room equals a clear mind,” and we definitely stand behind that. With a tidier space, folded clothes, and sleeker surfaces, notice how much more productive and motivated you feel.

Make a to-do list

Creating a to-do list for the day is the best way to both clear your head and give direction and purpose to your day. Even just the act of writing down your goals and tasks for the day allows you to relieve stress and anxiety without even knowing it.


Let us know your morning routine by tagging @edgemag on Instagram!