How to Have a Self-Care Day When You Live in a Dorm

We all have those days where all you want to do is slap on a face mask and take a long candle-lit bubble bath. Between balancing classes, extracurriculars, internships, and a social life, it’s easy for college students to become completely overwhelmed by the fast-paced culture that comes along with the student lifestyle.

This is why taking a day or even just a few hours to take care of your mind and body every now and then is key for your mental and physical health. While the dorm lifestyle can sometimes be limiting and doesn’t allow for that luxurious candle-lit bubble bath, there are still ways to practice self-care in college. Here are a few ways to relax and unwind in your tight living quarters:

  1. If candles aren’t allowed in your humble abode, an essential oil diffuser is the way to go. Aromatherapy essential oils can be extremely soothing to the senses and don’t come with the same risks and safety restrictions as a candle. 

  2. Adult coloring books are an amazing way to relax and clear your mind. When coloring, the brain enters a meditative state, which lowers stress and anxiety levels. 

  3. Paint your nails! Do something extra to take care of your physical appearance, whether it be using a face or hair mask, painting your nails, or exfoliating in the shower. Little rituals like these are wonderful self-care habits that boost confidence and can be done in the comfort of your dorm space. 

  4. Try out a social media detox. Unplug for a couple of hours or for even 30 minutes. Temporarily removing yourself from social media is proven to relieve stress, improve your overall mood, and allow you to reconnect with the world around you. 

  5. Call a friend. Whether it be your parents or a friend from home, talking to a loved one gives you a positive way to occupy your mind and can boost your mood. Trust us — even just seeing your pets on FaceTime is an instant mood-lifter!

Try out one of these self-care rituals to take a break from the non-stop bustle of college life to take care of yourself every once in a while!

Beauty & WellnessDelilah Eby