Bid Day Best Day? Absolutely!

Elon’s sorority recruitment took place this past week, and let me tell you—it was quite the experience! Everyone pulled out all the stops when it came to their “rush” looks. Even though rush week itself can be super stressful and chaotic, every girl looks forward to Bid Day (think Christmas day for sorority girls). The looks each sorority served certainly did not disappoint! From the Spice Girls to Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, the themes of this year's Bid Day will have us reminiscing for a while. 

Let’s start with hair: there are plenty of different routes one can take when deciding what to do with their hair for Bid Day. Straightened or curled? Up or down? Space buns? Bid day style is personal and often open to interpretation, so the world is your oyster!

A “classic” Bid Day hairstyle many girls opt for is a twist of the half-up-half-down—just add some braids and a middle part. You know the one. To top this one off, you can sprinkle on some glitter, add in some puff ball clips, and call it a day!


Maybe you want to be a little different, or you’re just having a greasy hair day. This year we saw a lot of girls rocking bandanas, head bands, and even wigs. Not only does this stand out but keeps your hair from having lingering glitter and hair dye over the next few days.


No Bid Day outfit is complete without bomb makeup to go along with it. This part is definitely all about personal preference, especially if your skin is irritated very easily. Some people prefer to keep this simple, others like to just throw on a little glitter here and there, and others really like to take it to a whole different level and deck out their whole face. If you like to keep it classy and simple, then incorporating a cute design and maybe some glitter is always a safe bet!


If having glitter absolutely everywhere for the next month doesn’t bother you, consider applying colorful eyeshadow, glitter all over the face, or even some fun jewels!


As crazy as your Bid Day look may seem, don’t be afraid to embrace the occasion and go all out! Bid Day is the perfect opportunity to pull out all the stops and experiment with some wild new looks! Besides, who doesn’t love dressing up and celebrating with all of their closest friends? This fun day only happens once a year, and the style possibilities are endless. So take advantage of the special day and express yourself!