What Your Spring Break Plans Reveal About You

As Spring Break approaches (less than a week away, TG), whether you know it or not, your destination reveals a lot about you. Whether you’re heading to the mountains or the pool, here’s what your destination reveals about you.

  1. Ski Vacation

If you are heading west to go on a ski or snowboard trip you are outdoorsy, athletic, adventurous, and of course, fearless. You also love hot cocoa and sitting by the fireplace. Colorado, Utah, Canada, or even Vermont are your kind of places, and you could care less about sitting by the pool during this vacay. Enjoy it, you snowbunny!

2. Tropical Trip

If you are heading to Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico, or anything of that sort, you want a relaxing vacation by the pool or in the ocean soaking up all the sun you can. If you are this kind of girl, you are girly, happy, beachy, and down to earth. This spring break, all you want is to ease your mind and stresses of the semester and hang poolside. 

3. Staying on Campus

If you are staying on campus for break, you are most definitely studious, independent, carefree, and relaxed. Whether you choose to stay on campus or not, your break will definitely be productive as you have all the time and resources in the world to get a bunch of work done, finish your internship applications for the summer, and get caught up on Netflix. Honestly, jealous! 

4. Home

If you are heading home, you are definitely a homebody (duh), a family girl, and very genuine. You are definitely so excited for that corner coffee shop that you are sure has the best coffee and muffins in the world. You will 100% be getting your nails done with your mom and hanging out with your high school friends. Home is such a nice place to be, so enjoy it!

5. International Trip

If you are heading on an international trip you are adventurous, daring, courageous, and tough. You don’t care about how long it will take you to get there, or the possible dangers in your way, you are ready to take on the world! 

Wherever you are headed, enjoy your time and the people you are around. Take it all in, and try to relax your mind and forget about your worries. Spring break is your chance to recover and re energize. Enjoy your travels!

LifestyleClaire Brodsky