If You Love Blue, Visit This City


The streets of Chefchaouen, Morocco, aren’t like any others you have seen before. The entire city is filled with vibrant hues of blue, transporting and mesmerizing you with every turn you take. It’s frankly the most aesthetic and Instagrammable city we’ve ever seen, and any Gen Z or Millennial should be dying to visit.

However, many are shocked to hear that the city wasn’t always as blue as it is now. There are many rumors about why the city was first painted blue. Some say that it had to do with Jews seeking refuge from Hitler, while others say it's to keep the city from getting too hot.

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The real reason? Social media. Yup, that’s right. The painting of the blue city was a strategic move to increase tourism. The blue walls appeal to tourists from all over because they guarantee a killer photo background.

With the rise of Instagram came a new opportunity, and prosperity, for this small city in the mountains of Morocco. Famous travel bloggers found the city and began to publicize it all over Instagram. People from all around the world suddenly had to see and experience the blue city.

With a little paint, the city completely transformed itself, leaving Instagram to do the dirty work. Most people categorize tourists as annoying and loud, but for the Chefchaouen, tourists are their main source of income. The more people that visit, the more local businesses thrive. Markets and shops line the walls of the city with spices, handwoven bags and more.

The people there are so kind and welcoming and love to see others enjoying their city. If you ever find yourself in Morocco, you definitely don’t wanna miss the blue city—it's a once in a lifetime experience.

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TravelMaddie Distenfeld