New Girl, New Lessons

At seven seasons long, American television show New Girl presents us with a satirical comedy that hits sitcom gold. Throughout the show, there are moments where you are pulled into each different character’s storyline. For New Girl fanatics and newbie’s alike, here’s a rundown of your favorite LA roommates.

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1. Jessica Day is the quirky girl next door, who is on a never-ending journey to find love after a rough breakup. She reluctantly moves in with three other guys who are quite unsure about living with a female. Throughout the show, the guys poke fun at Jess for living in a world full of rainbows and riding around on a unicorn. Although Jess has gone through multiple breakups throughout the seasons, she never questions who she is. She shows us that it is perfectly okay to like cupcakes, bunny phone cases, and polk-a-dot skirts. There is no such thing as singing or knitting too much. Live the life you want to live and never let anyone tell you how to live it, or at least that’s what Jessica Day says.

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2. Nick Miller, from the streets of Chicago, is the rock bottom turtle face character who says what we’re all thinking. He’s the guy we never knew we needed in our television lives. Nick showcases the voices of a disgruntled generation but does it in a way that makes him even more endearing to us. Whether it is taking years to finish his subpar zombie novel or having the credit score of a homeless ghost, Nick shows us that it is totally okay to not have this whole life figured out. Don’t be afraid to moonwalk away from something in life that you aren’t completely prepared for.

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3. Winston Schmidt, the creator of the “douchebag” jar, has captured the hearts of many across the nation. Not to state the obvious, but Schmidt is in love with Cece and always has been. Both of them managed to wait for each other to try out a variety of relationships until finally realizing that they were meant to be together. Their friendship is what held their ties to each other. “The economy stinks, bees are dying, and movies are pretty much all sequels now,” but that doesn’t matter because Schmidt and Cece finally ended up together. The road to that point may have been rough, but hey… Schmidt happens. 

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4. Cece Parekh is the blunt and beautiful best friend that falls for a guy when she never saw coming. She is not necessarily one of the fan favorites, but she plays a role in helping the audience understand that it is okay to get a little crazy and weird sometimes. Whether Cece was busy ripping her boyfriends V-neck into a deeper V or playing True American, she knew how to drop the drama and have some fun. Life is too short to worry about walks of shame and other unimportant nonsense. 

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5. Winston Bishop, a.k.a. “Winnie the Bish,” can either be found pulling some not-so-good pranks or nurturing his cat Ferguson. This bubble-loving cop is the best friend we never knew we needed. Winston brings life to this sitcom by bringing a lesson to every episode he is in. Sometimes you have to wonder if Winston holds the secret to living a carefree, glass-half-full life. He may not always enjoy his position in life, but he makes the best of it. Don’t be afraid to look on the brighter side and occasionally wear a bird shirt.