Creatable World: The First Inclusive Doll

The word of the year in 2019 was “pronoun”. This may surprise some people, but the pronoun “they” has empowered people all over the world. It can be used to describe someone whose gender identity is nonbinary. 35% of Gen Z knows someone who uses gender-neutral pronouns “they” and “them”.

However, this group is still underrepresented. Imagine being a gender-fluid child walking through the toy aisle and seeing not a single toy that represents who you are. These aisles are often filled to the brim with gender stereotypes, which some children simply do not identify with. 

Today, younger generations are challenging gender norms, rules, and expectations and are bending traditional lifestyles. Girls are ditching the pink princess dresses for toys that were considered to be “only for boys”. And boys are steering away from playing with trucks and exploring the pink-colored toy boxes they previously avoided. Strides toward a more gender-inclusive society have been made, but the toy aisle still lacks toys for gender-neutral or gender-fluid children. 

Creatable World is the first gender-inclusive doll that was designed to “keep labels out and invite everyone in”—giving the freedom to create their own customizable characters again and again.

Children are able to choose the dolls style, texture, and length of hair and skin tone. The Creatable World doll kit gives kids the opportunity to create a doll that they can identify with. One kit comes with a doll with both long and short hair style options and both male and female clothing options. Each kit allows for mixing and matching to create over 100 looks.

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Creatable World welcomes all and makes play as inclusive as ever before. The doll has been carefully created to not have overly prominent female or male features, allowing children to pick what they want the doll to be.

This doll enables gender-fluid children to have something that looks like them. After years of isolation in the toy aisle, Creatable World gives children the opportunity to play with a toy that is exactly like them.

This doll has challenged stereotypes and punched the glass ceiling, allowing children to express who they truly are. Creatable World was a huge hit and was named one of 100 Best Inventions in Time Magazine. They are available at large retail stores and online.