Let Us Take You On a Virtual Journey to the Hotspots in Seville, Spain

While we are all sitting at home, why not go on a virtual journey and pretend we are somewhere a little more exciting? Without further ado, let us take you on an online journey to Seville, the capital of the southernmost province of Spain, Andalucía.

Although it's a small city, there is much to do to stay occupied and learn the history. On this guided tour, we’ll share with you Seville’s must-see places.

Plaza de España

Built facing the United States to represent open arms extended for an embrace, the Plaza de España was constructed to represent the trade agreement between Spain and the U.S. While the pictures are breathtaking, seeing the plaza in person is unbelievable. Once this is all over, we highly recommend hopping on a plane here first. Hundreds of people walk around with friends (what a concept), flamenco dancers promote shows and there are even small boats available to paddle around the monument.


Reál Alcazar

Like many of the notable sites in Seville, pictures do not do the Reál Alcazar justice. Tours of the Alcazar allow you to experience what it's like to live like a king. The castle was constructed for the royal family to stay in during their visits to the city. There were even a few scenes from the Game of Thrones filmed in the throne room. We recommend watching some GOT if you want to expand on this virtual tour. The most anticipated part of Reál Alcazar, however, is the garden. Lush and green, the garden is gorgeous and home to many "pavos reales,” aka peacocks.

La Catedral and La Giralda

In the center of the city lies a huge 14th-century cathedral and bell tower, the crown jewels of Seville's rich history. The massive church houses hundreds of intricate, gold-encrusted structures, which are a sight to see, whether you're religious or not. Another key feature inside the cathedral is also the supposed grave of Christopher Columbus. Finally, the view from the bell tower, La Giralda, is breathtaking, although the climb to the top is not an easy feat. To replicate this experience at home, do your exercise routine and then look at pictures of the incredible view.

Metropol Parasol

Metropol Parasol, known as Las Setas (the mushrooms) to the locals, is the largest wooden structure in the world. The monument is too large to capture entirely in one picture, so check out this video to pretend you are actually there. To climb on top of the massive platform you have to pay five euros, but you can climb on your couch while watching the video for free!

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Although this article only highlights a few of the city's many gorgeous sites, when we are allowed to travel again, we can’t encourage you enough to jet off to Seville to see the rest. You won’t be disappointed.

TravelSamantha Steinman