Everything You Need to Know Before Getting A Brazilian Wax

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Photo by Pexels

The thought of a random stranger lathering hot wax on the most sensitive body part tends to make a lot of girls shy away from the mere idea of a Brazilian wax. However, have no fear! I began getting Brazilians when I was 16 (shoutout to competitive dance for the early start) and swear by them to this day. I’ll admit, the first time I was absolutely terrified. Luckily, I now know there wasn’t any reason to be. With summer well under way, it's the perfect time for you to try getting waxed for the first time. Here’s what you should know. 

Don’t shave beforehand 

If you take ANYTHING away from this article, let it be this: If you walk into your appointment with super short hair, the wax won’t have anything to grab onto. Walking into an appointment with recently shaved hair can result in painful ingrown hairs. No thank you! If you want optimal results, let your hair grow out for a bit. It’s recommended that you go four weeks without shaving to avoid this problem (you can do it). 

Wear loose bottoms.

This is self explanatory, but it has to be said. Don’t show up in a thong and leggings (or, even worse, JEANS) your first time around. Your comfiest (preferably cotton) underwear and some nice sweatpants are the right way to go to avoid irritation afterwards. 

It hurts. But it’s not unbearable. 

Having your hair ripped out by hot wax is obviously not an enjoyable feeling, especially when it’s done in such a sensitive area. While everyone has different pain tolerance, waxing actually hurt less than I expected the first time. I didn’t cry the first time...although I may have whispered a few curses under my breath. Brazilian waxes are much quicker than expected, so the process will be done before you know it!

Just do the butt. 

For some reason a lot of people I’ve talked to think this area will be the worst, but this is by far the easiest and least painful part.

There’s no need to feel embarrassed. 

I couldn’t believe that I was about to let a complete stranger see the most private parts of my body the first time I went, but they made it so comfortable. These estheticians spend all day waxing people, and I promise you, they are not judging you whatsoever. They are professionals and they’ve seen it all.

Talking helps.

Even now, this is still what gets me through every appointment. Talking about random things with my esthetician makes me think less about what’s going on and more about the conversation we’re having. I personally have never had an awkward waxer, and I doubt you will either. 

Waxing gets every. Single. Hair.

A lot of girls have asked me why I go through the pain and money of getting waxed once a month if I could just shave. Waxing ensures that I’m completely hairless, while my razor definitely does not. Another huge bonus for me: I barely get ingrown hairs from waxing. No hair and no ingrowns? Definitely worth it to me. 

It’s pricey. 

On average, a Brazilian costs $60 if you’re going somewhere trustworthy (think European Wax Center). Luckily, a lot of places offer a free one for your first time, so you can see if it’s worth it for you before investing your own money. 

You’ll stay smooth(ish) for roughly a month. 

That four week rule mentioned earlier? It applies here too. However, unlike shaving, waxing leaves your skin smooth for much, much longer without as much irritation. As someone with extremely sensitive skin and not so great razor skills, being so smooth for so long is the biggest benefit to me.

No gym, beach, or sex right after. 

Give your skin some time to heal. Sweat, salt water, and overall friction definitely do not mix well with freshly smooth skin. Rather unfortunately, I learned this the hard way after going to a yoga class three hours after one of my appointments. Not the way to go. 

It gets easier. 

If you keep getting continuously waxed, your hair not only grows back slower and shorter, but your waxes become less and less painful. This can be jeopardized by shaving in between appointments though, so just be ready to never touch a razor again if you fall in love with waxing. 

I cannot recommend Brazilian waxing enough. I encourage everyone to try it at least once to see if it’s right for you! Just keep this information in mind as you consider making an appointment. If you hate it, no worries! But if you love it, you can thank me later.