Write, Release, Repeat and Embrace the Power of a Brain Dump

This article is part of our Spring/Summer 2020 print issue. See the full, digital version of the issue here.

Illustration by Emma Spencer.

Illustration by Emma Spencer.

Dear Diary,

There’s something satisfying about the idea of journaling. We’ve probably all attempted to keep a journal, like the ones in movies where each entry starts with a tried and true “Dear Diary.” Yeah, scratch that. After a day or two, you may have realized how hard it is to achieve such an idealized concept. Luckily, we’ve finally found something that works: brain dump journaling! If you’ve struggled to keep up with a cute, clean-cut journal, look no further than the art of abstract journalism.

The power behind a brain dump

We wish we could take credit for the iconic “brain dump” concept, but that goes to Instagram and blogging queen Brighton Keller, also known as BrightonTheDay. This style of journaling is a simple method for materializing your thoughts. All you have to do is set a timer for three to five minutes, grab a pen and a piece of paper and start writing down what’s on your mind.

Step 1

Once you’ve set a timer, write down anything that comes to mind—whether it be a running list of errands, tomorrow’s dinner plans or a reminder to reach out to that friend you’ve been meaning to call. Write down whatever pops into your head or even what you’re feeling in the moment.

Once your timer goes off and you’ve raked your mind of every detail, read over your list and breathe. Try to think of your writing as a compilation of priorities rather than an overwhelming to-do list. If you write down a goal that could take months to accomplish, that’s okay! The fact that you wrote it down means you’re already manifesting it, and trust us, that counts for something.

Step 2

Organize your brain dump into categories to bring order to your scattered thoughts. How you choose to categorize your writing each day is completely up to you, so play around with it! A few suggested categories are errands, self-care and MUST DO (in all caps and underlined three times). 

Step 3

Now that your brain dump has some structure, circle the tasks you think you can tackle today. It can be four items or 20, depending on your schedule. Now, write out a separate list with just these items on it, and shift your focus to this new list. This is where brain dumping starts to add structure to your life. Feel the relief of seeing the tasks you’ve prioritized lined up and made completely accomplishable by your own organization.

Step 4

Put a star next to three and only three items on your new list, making sure they are achievable. First, try starring an item that involves somebody waiting on you, such as responding to an email. Next, choose a large task, such as grocery shopping or going to a workout class, that will motivate you to get through that dreaded mid-day slump. Finally, pick something that makes you happy, whether it’s making your bed, doing a face mask or preparing a meal. Crossing off these three things will leave you feeling productive and ready to conquer the day ahead.  

Brain dumping allows you to release unfiltered thoughts for just a few minutes each day and makes it easier to focus on what’s important. While diary-keeping can be a saving grace for some, a quick release of thoughts will still bring you organization and motivation. Ladies, gents and non-binary folks, get to brain dumping and have fun!


E. Scott