How to Travel Safely When Travel Is Unavoidable?

The overwhelming answer to this question is: it’s not safe to travel right now. Look, we get it. Travel costs are at an all-time low, campus is quiet and sometimes the allure of venturing off to a new place for the weekend feels too good to give up. However, it’s important to keep in mind that no matter what precautions you take, there’s no escaping the risk of contracting or spreading coronavirus during your travels.

However, if you find yourself in a situation requiring absolutely necessary travel, we want to make sure you have all the right information to protect yourself and others. So, here are some tips to help. 

Travel Tip #1

And we shouldn’t have to tell you this one… MASK UP! We’re all being personally victimized by maskne, and it may seem unnecessary to wear one while you’re cruising around, but you gotta do it. If not for yourself, think about the people you’re passing on the street. It’s the best way to protect yourself and everyone around you. 

Why travel by plane when you could embark on a picturesque, music-filled road trip?? Photo by Ali Scheinfeld.

Why travel by plane when you could embark on a picturesque, music-filled road trip?? Photo by Ali Scheinfeld.

Travel Tip #2

Hand sanitizer is your best friend. Hopefully you’re already carrying 2020’s favorite accessory around with you anyway, but if you’re not, you really need to buckle down on the sanitizer. The CDC recommends using one with at least 60% alcohol. And while you’re at it, you might as well pick up some disinfecting wipes to keep your travel space clean, whether it’s a car, plane or train.

Travel Tip #3

Stick with your friends, and don’t introduce new ones to your circle. One of the most exciting parts of traveling is meeting new people, but unfortunately, that excitement needs to be put on hold for now. Make sure you’re with a good group, and if you’re not, learn to love who you’re with. New friendships can wait. 

Travel Tip #4

Travel by car, if possible. It’s no secret that air travel is super risky right now, and if you travel by car, it’s much easier to control your exposure at gas stations and restaurants. When you’re on the road, make sure to wash your hands frequently, sanitize everything you touch and opt for drive-throughs over sit-down restaurants. 

To answer the question posed in the previous photo caption: We have no idea. Road trips are way better. Photo by Ali Scheinfeld.

To answer the question posed in the previous photo caption: We have no idea. Road trips are way better. Photo by Ali Scheinfeld.

Travel Tip #5

Avoid bars and busy restaurants. We love dressing up and going out as much as the next person, but it just isn’t worth it right now. If you don’t know the area you’re traveling to well and are unsure about case numbers or hotspots, you’re leaving yourself super vulnerable. Opt for the movie night in and save the fun going-out spots for the COVID-free future. 

Travel tip #6

Consider getting tested before and after you travel. Several CVS locations near Elon offer free testing and return results in 2-3 days. This won’t cost you anything and will guarantee that you stay safe and keep the Elon community safe upon your return.

Travel tip #7

Here’s our recommendation if you NEED to get out of Elon for a weekend. Stick with your roommates or close social bubble, take advantage of the AMAZING mountains we have around us, find a cute Airbnb with a killer view or stay inside for the weekend! For starters, we highly recommend checking out places in Boone or Asheville. 

If possible, please stay at home. If travel is unavoidable, make sure you stay smart and safe. We care about you.

Featured image taken by Ali Scheinfeld

TravelAli Scheinfeld