Destination Manifestation: How to Get One Step Closer to Your Dreams


What is manifestation? 

Manifestation by definition is the act of “bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief” (The Oprah Magazine). Basically,  if you believe it, you can achieve it. Although manifestation requires more work than just positive thinking and willpower, it is the act of making desired feelings and experiences become a reality. The key is undoubtedly believing that whatever you want in life is within reach. 

How does one manifest? 

First and foremost, you have to decide what your goals are. The more precise your goal is, the easier it will be to manifest. Then comes the part that might feel a little silly but is necessary: you have to ask the universe for what you want. You need to think, dream, and believe in this goal wholeheartedly, and the energy you feel from those emotions needs to be put into the world.

When you begin manifesting, it can take months or even years to see results, depending on the goal. Don’t get discouraged, and think positively. If you begin to doubt your own manifestation, you will emit negative energy, which will achieve the opposite of what you want. Continue to use your positive and abundant energy and vibrations as the control center of your life.

What do I ask the universe for when I manifest?

This will require deep introspection. Think of areas in your life in which you don’t feel fulfilled. This could be in your love, professional, or personal life. The things you manifest can be tangible or intangible. Here are some general ideas to get your wheels turning.

  1. A new job 

  2. Improving friendship

  3. A new car

  4. A romantic partner 

  5. Adventure 

  6. Professional success 

  7. Closer family relationships

  8. Financial freedom

There are an endless number of things you can manifest in your life; the sky is truly the limit.

Tips for manifesting

  1. Use “I will” not “I want to”

  2. Use positive language when talking about yourself and others during manifestation

  3. Manifest once a day

  4. Take risks because you can’t grow until you have allowed yourself to be in the position to do so

  5. Practice gratitude by acknowledging what the universe has given you

  6. Use gratitude rather than jealousy as your motivation

  7. Share your intentions 


Manifestation in its essence is using the energy that is within you and all around the universe to create the life you desire. Does that mean you can sit on your couch every day and just repeat over and over “I want to be a billionaire”? No. You still need to work hard and do things consciously that will benefit your goals. But if you do this in unison with manifestation, the things you want will be much more likely to become a reality. Our thoughts and dreams have a big impact on our lives, whether we realize it or not, so use manifestation to get the most out of your life.