Mercury in Retrograde: The Source of All Our Problems

Finding yourself going through an unexpected breakup? Failed the recent test you studied hours for? Dropped your new phone in the sink? All of these problems may seem like random coincidences, but we at The Edge all truly know that Mercury is back in retrograde for the third and final time this year. The question you may be asking is what does ‘mercury in retrograde’ mean? And is it really the reason behind all of your problems? 

For those of you who don’t know, when a planet is in retrograde it appears to be moving backwards or in the opposite direction, but in reality, this is not true. Mercury is not moving in the wrong direction, but because it is one of the quickest moving planets, down on Earth, we see it moving backwards. While this movement does not factually represent anything, Mercury is said to control and have drastic effects over communication. 

Here is a TikTok from energy reader and intuitive life coach @pheydrus explaining the truth behind what emotions and temptations can appear during this retrograde.

When you find yourself in these next few weeks nervous to send that text, overthinking that conversation you had, questioning whether it’s a good idea to express those opinions, do not worry, any decision made is the right one, but stray away from decisions that would not benefit your future. Whether you truly believe that Mercury is coming after your life or not, this is a great time to prioritize self care, and taking into account all of your feelings. 

We recommend finding an outlet for your stress. Most of us find ourselves swamped with school work, friendship drama, and so much more, but never find time to dive into our passions, and put them into something beneficial. One example of this would be joining a new club or trying a new activity. If you've always had an interest in ultimate frisbee, or had an urge to apply to that organization that will allow you to write about something important, do it. Do not let day-to-day stressors take control of your identity, and look for that thing that makes you feel special. 

Reach out to those friends, don’t text that ex back, and find something to do that truly makes you feel happy. It’s a battle between temptation and growth, but just keep fighting to beat Mercury’s retrograde. 

LifestyleRanya Russo