Fashion Accounts I Follow, That You Should Too.
Looking to gain inspiration and fashion knowledge? Then this is the article for you!
Fashion Instagrams are necessities to keep you up to date with everything in fashion. They range from style guides to what models/celebrities are wearing so you can draw inspiration from them. I am absolutely obsessed with these accounts and if you follow them I guarantee you will get inspiration from them.
For me, I love to create outfits in my head. I often match clothes together that wouldn’t necessarily go together. That’s the part of fashion I love, creating new outfits with the same clothing staples you have in your own closet. But sometimes, I get stuck and I lack inspiration. This is when @stylistcheck, @styledbyflorencia, and @lessisworefemales really help to get my creativity flowing.
Stylistcheck has some of the most stunning outfits I’ve seen on a look-book page. Their outfits usually consist of patterned statement pieces or chic, sleek looks. Either way, you will not be disappointed with this page.
Styledbyflorencia posts almost every day so there is always something new to inspire you. These look-books truly capture chic everyday looks. Styledbyflorencia makes sure to link every piece in their posts on their blog shop in their bio. They also use mid-priced clothing (or will post links that look similar to more expensive outfits) to allow more people to be accessible to her looks!
Lessisworefemales consists of inspo looks, celebrity red carpet/everyday looks, and just aesthetic photos. I love this account’s overall aesthetic and is one of the more fashion/lifestyle pages. One of my favorites for sure.
Celebrities often have the best style; that’s why following accounts like @aftervogue and @superhighstilettos is so important! These accounts cater towards high fashioninstagram instead of casual everyday looks.
Aftervogue was one of the first fashion accounts that I first started to follow. This account shows celebs red carpet looks, streetwear, and more. One of my favorite features of this account is that when a big red carpet event happens they do live votes on their story to see who wore what best!
If your looking for repost-ability, then @superhighstilettos is your go to account. They post the best fashion and couture looks. They post celebs street wear, runway photos and more. Superhighstilettos posts content that resembles my style and looks I would love to wear in the future.
I hope you guys follow these accounts and get inspired to learn more about fashion or even just gain inspiration for your next outfit!