Crack The Code To Collagen

Adding collagen to coffee or consuming it in supplemental form has been a recent health and wellness trend on social media. Like all things on the internet, some trends are great, yet others are pseudoscience. So where does collagen fall? In essence, collagen is simply a substance in the body that acts as the glue holding everything together. It is the most abundant protein type within the human body and in increased amounts can aid in a glowing appearance of hair, skin, and nails.

The form of collagen occurring naturally in the body is endogenous collagen. Exogenous collagen is synthetic, as it comes from outside sources, such as supplements. Endogenous collagen supports many bodily functions, and when there is a lack of this form of collagen in the system, health issues can arise. Meanwhile, exogenous collagen is found in supplements and is best when used for cosmetic purposes. One of the most popular uses for supplemental collagen is to defy aging skin. 

As we age, our skin becomes less and less elastic due to decreased collagen production in the body. As a result, wrinkles form, and cartilage weakens, resulting in droopy features. While preventing this is not one hundred percent possible, taking good care of your skin in your youth, taking a collagen supplement and consuming a healthy, balanced diet are all wonderful ways to age backward. Smoking, a poor diet, autoimmune diseases and over-exposure to sunlight can negatively affect the skin and the body’s production and distribution of collagen. 

Whether you are personally experiencing a collagen deficiency or if you are just interested in taking preventive measures, consuming a daily collagen supplement is a great idea. There are many options on the market and not all are created equal. Our three favorites here at The Edge are from Vital Proteins, Garden of Life, and Dose & Co. All three brands are gluten and dairy-free and ethically sourced. They mix well into most drinks as well as smoothies and carry no adverse side effects— though we do recommend talking to your doctor before incorporating it into your daily routine. 

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead crack open a canister of collagen and let us know what you think! Tag @theedgemag on Instagram— we can’t wait to see your glowing results.