Breaking the Stigma Around Marijuana

Although 18 states have legalized recreational marijuana use, and 36 states have legalized medical marijuana use, there is still a severe stigma surrounding cannabis usage. Marijuana is often seen as “taboo,” despite the fact that the plant is used to treat a number of medical disorders and chronic illnesses. Hundreds of people suffering from chronic illness have discovered how much marijuana can do for their condition, and marijuana has taken the place of prescription drugs for thousands of patients.

So why won’t pharmaceutical companies advocate for marijauna usage to be released in the market as treatment for these health conditions? Think about it. Big pharma is not looking out for our best interests, they are looking to make as much money as possible in this capitalist society. These companies have never been fans of anything remotely “natural” in the world of medicine, and marijuana falls under this category. Big pharma doesn’t care about what is in the drugs that are being prescribed, and have no regard to how they affect others. The industry ultimately prioritizes profits over patients, and these companies thrive off of patients that become addicted to their prescription drugs. According to the American Medical Association (AMA), up to 19% of people taking prescription drugs become addicted to them and about 45 percent of people who use heroin start with an addiction to prescription opioids. These companies know that if people become addicted to prescription medications, they’ll sell more and more since the patients need to continue refilling their bottles. 

Prescribing marijuana as a medicine has been legal in the state of California since 1996, when it became the first state to do so. According to physician and Doctors for Cannabis Regulation (DFCR) member Hugh Blumenfeld, “Unlike alcohol, cannabis dependence is not associated with cirrhosis, seizures and dementia, nor is it linked to sexual assault or other forms of violence,” Blumenfeld said, pointing out that there have been no deaths from cannabis consumption. Marijuana has helped thousands of people manage their symptoms of their chronic illness, and has even served as the sole medication for some patients.

Here is a list of only some of the most common health conditions that marijuana has been proven to aid:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Depression

  • ADHD

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Chronic pain

  • Insomnia

  • Crohn’s disease

  • Chronic pain

  • Nausea

  • Multiple Sclerosis


  • Seizures

  • Muscle spasms

  • Migraines

  • Alzheimer’s disease

  • Tourette’s Syndrome

If marijuana can prevent patients from being on an excessive amount of prescription medications, and can stop patients from forming addictions, why wouldn’t big pharma be pushing for it to be on the market? They are scared that allowing marijuana into the world of medicine will cause less and less people to need prescription medications, ultimately putting these companies out of business. The system is extremely twisted and flawed, but one way we can start pushing for change is breaking the stigma surrounding marijuana. Previous generations have associated marijuana with laziness and unprofessionalism, but disregard how much marijuana can change people’s lives for the better. By breaking this outdated stigma surrounding the plant, we can ultimately move towards change in the world of medicine.

LifestyleSarah Hennis