Women’s History Month 2021—Time to Celebrate!

Over the past year, women have been breaking that glass ceiling at a rate like no other. And this March, we have more reasons to celebrate Women’s History Month than ever before. Here are a few women who have achieved some major milestones over the past year.   

1. Kamala Harris

The United States has its first woman vice president, a feat many weren’t expecting for quite some time. Harris rocked the country when she took her oath of office Jan. 21 and has continued to spread this empowering energy over the past two months. Vice President Harris has opened the door for women and girls of all backgrounds throughout the country to rise to positions of leadership and power. And as she famously said

“I may be the first woman to hold this office. But I won’t be the last.”

2. Amanda Gorman

You may recognize her name. Gorman is the United States’ first National Youth Poet Laureate and has persistently spread messages of positivity and acceptance through her original work at national events ranging from President Joe Biden’s Inauguration to the Super Bowl. Gorman’s activism through her written word and helpful actions are a reminder of the power of women.

3. Alyssa Carson

Within this past month, the world was introduced to Carson, the youngest astronaut-in-training This 18-year-old not only has her pilot’s license, but has already received her certification to go into space-- and is attending college through it all. Carson has big dreams ahead of her and embodies the idea that women can achieve anything we put our minds to. 

4. Kathrin Jansen

Jansen, along with countless other women across the world, have been key into developing vaccines against COVID-19. As the head of vaccine research and development at Pfizer, Jansen has been revolutionary over the past year and fundamental in discovering the first FDA approved vaccine in early December 2020. 

If you’re looking to celebrate here at Elon, I Am That Girl is working diligently throughout the next few months to host virtual events or gatherings to celebrate the amazing steps women have taken recently, especially this past year. This campus organization dedicated to create an open and honest community for the women at Elon is making this year’s celebration of Women’s History Month extra special. 

The leading ladies of I Am That Girl will be holding a special Facul-tea on Mar. 19, featuring some of the university’s top female professors, with the hopes of creating a profound and open dialogue regarding Women’s History Month. In addition to this panel, the organization will also be hosting a retreat on Apr. 10. 

It is clear there are so many reasons to celebrate Women’s History Month this year. Let’s keep working to break those glass ceilings. 

And if you are looking for a little extra inspiration this month, check out this video as an empowering reminder of what us women are capable of.

Cover photo found here.