The Key to Beauty Sleep

For a few years now we’ve been hearing that silk pillowcases do wonders to your skin and your hair. But are they worth all the hype they have been getting?

Yes- We think they are. Silk is less harsh than cotton leading to much less damage on your skin and hair. Aaaaaand according to the National Library of Medicine, we are sleeping for about one third of our life. So, your skin is on the raggedy cotton fabric for one third of your life, we think your skin deserves better.

First off, cotton pillowcases actually steal a lot of moisture from your skin. Your natural oils and product you apply are soaked up by the cotton fabric because of how porous the material is. It immediately reverses the work of that new $30 moisturizer you just splurged on. The protein-based formula of silk does the opposite; it enhances your skin's natural moisture. 

Silk pillowcases are also said to prevent wrinkles. We’ve been hearing this since they reached the beauty market. While it’s not completely proven to be true, yet, silky surface causes much less friction than cotton. The smoothness of silk causes much less wear and tear leading to less fine lines and wrinkles. 

The friction caused by a cotton pillowcase also is the mad man behind your bed head. Tons of hair care brands have actually made silk pillowcases for their individual line for this reason. The combination of a good conditioner and silk pillowcase will leave your hair looking red-carpet ready.

Regardless of how much time you do get on your pillow, get a silk one and fake that 8 hour of sleep glow ;) we won’t tell anyone you actually stayed up all night bing-ing New Girl. Fake it til you make it. 

Below are some linked silk pillowcases that are a good place to start on this new silk journey of yours, enjoy!


