Everything You Need to Survive the Q

 I’ll be honest-- when I got sent to the Q for being a close contact last semester, I thought it was going to be the worst two weeks of my life. The thought of being completely isolated from my roommates and best friends seemed like a terrible idea for my mental health, and though I do sincerely appreciate the efforts of Elon for immediately sending all close contacts to quarantine to avoid any chance of further spread, it was the last thing I wanted to do.

I spent the first day crying in my hotel room thinking about how horrible the coming days were going to be until I realized… I had a queen bed to myself, my own bathroom, a shower that I could actually move in, and Elon working as a no-fee DoorDash for the next 14 days. 

Once I flipped my mindset, I realized that this whole quarantine thing might not be half bad. And while it wasn’t, there are a few things I wished I had with me:

Self-Care Essentials

So, you’re gonna have a lot of time on your hands. In the normal, busy, rush of Elon life, I find I never have the time to do all the basic af self-care habits. Quarantine is the perfect time to focus on yourself, so load up on face masks, hair masks, nail polishes, sugar scrubs, tweezers for your brows, etc. Basically, anything that we used to describe the pinnacle of self-care in 2016 goes. 

Photographed by Abbey Kroll

Photographed by Abbey Kroll

A Creative Outlet

It’s true that the Q can be tough on your mind, so bring something to do that helps you relax. I noticed I spent wayyy too much time on my phone and watching TV (Friends reruns, anyone?) that could have been much better spent on something that could actually keep my mind healthy. Whether that be a coloring book, paints, a journal, or an instrument, have something on hand that can creatively stimulate you.

Workout Gear

While it’s tempting to stay in that huge bed all day, it’s important for your mental health to stay moving. Those 15-minute outdoor walks will feel great, but if you’re looking for something more intense, grab a yoga mat and maybe some light weights and check out some YouTube workout vids. 


Caffeine addicts, listen up! When I ordered my luxurious Elon Dining meals, coffee wasn’t even an option. Postmate-ing Starbucks every day for two weeks straight is definitely going to add up, so I’d recommend stocking up on your fave DIY coffee supplies before heading in. 

Photographed by Abbey Kroll

Photographed by Abbey Kroll

A Good Book

Sometimes I can forget that reading is meant to be fun and not something that just helps you pass your classes. Go ahead and Amazon Prime that book you’ve been wanting to read foreverrrrr and save it for a rainy day (aka a day in the Tru). 

The Q can be tough, especially if you’re actually sick, but try and make the best of it! Don’t forget to check in with friends and family throughout, and remember The Edge will be posting new content every day you’re there :)