Your skin routine is missing this product

Between the different face washes, moisturizers and creams its hard to figure out what skincare products you actually need. According to the king of all skincare Hyram, serum is one product you should definitely not be skipping. If you don’t know who Hyram is, he’s a skincare content creator that knows literally EVERYTHING about skincare. You can find him on youtube, Instagram, Tik Tok, and he even has some amazing finds on his Amazon page. 

So back to the serums, there are tons of different serums out there from Vitamin C to… well they all serve the same general purpose, to moisturize. Typically a serum is applied before moisturizer and helps to lock in the moisture. Its thinner formula helps it get into the skin rather than just sit on top as most creams do. They have become super popular in the skincare world and are a product everyone should be stocking upon. 

But with so many different kinds it's hard to find exactly which fits your needs (and budget). We did some research and found the best types of serums for some of the most common skin issues.

For Anti-aging and wrinkles

Once Upon a Time: Green Tea Matcha Serum:

First off, if we haven’t made it clear we love us some matcha here. Obviously, this one isn’t for drinking, but it is for another form of hydration! This serum is filled with powerful antioxidants that help to not only moisturize the skin but also detoxifies… 

Where to buy: Amazon

For maximum hydration 

TruSkin Botanical: Hyaluronic Acid Hydrating Face Serum

This oil is packed with vitamins that will leave your skin GLOWING. It has Green Tea, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E, which are all good for texture and tone. It also has the added perk of extra hydration from its Hyaluronic Acid - which is great for red spots. 

Where to buy: Target

For Oily Skin

It'S SKIN Power 10 Formula Vitamin B Soothing & Refreshing Facial Serum

Okay, oil for oily skins definitely seems a little strange, but trust us this is the one to get. So how this serum works are it penetrates deep into the skin, which helps avoid an extra oil on top. It has B6 in it which is a major key for keeping moisture balanced. 

Where to buy: Amazon 

There are hundreds of serums to choose from, so use these as a guide if you are looking to get into the world of hydration. Let us know if you have any other serums that you can’t live without. 

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