How to Get Yourself Off Your Butt and Into the Gym

Going to the gym is hard. Everyone talks about the incredible benefits of following a fitness routine, but no one mentions how difficult it can be to motivate yourself to get yourself off your a** and into the gym. It is easy to get down on yourself for skipping your workout and fall down a rabbit hole of negative self-talk. Here are some tips to implementing a sustainable fitness routine that won’t make you dread going to the gym each day.  

Find a schedule that works for you

Our number one tip to maintaining a fitness routine is figuring out how to fit the gym into your schedule in a way that won’t make you want to skip your workout. Personally, during the beginning of the week, I love to wake up early and lift before I do anything else. This way, I get to start my morning on a positive note and I don’t have to worry about working out later. However, towards the end of the week, it is tough for me to motivate myself to get up that early. So on those days, I plan my gym times for the afternoon to give myself some extra rest.

Plan your workouts ahead of time 

A great way to motivate yourself to workout is to already know what you will be doing before you go to the gym. Planning workouts can be a lot of fun! I love to scroll through fitness Instagram accounts and put different exercises together to make a workout routine that I can look forward to. And this way once you get there you can right to your lifts and make the most of your time. 

Make sure you are fueling your body 

It is so necessary to eat a full diet so that you can have the energy to workout. If I don’t eat enough during the day it is almost impossible for me to get myself to the gym. You need to fuel your body with carbs and protein so that you are ready to push yourself in your workout and get those gains! 

Purchase some cute gym fits

A great way to get hype to workout is to put on a stylin’ outfit that you feel confident in. Buying cute gym clothes will make you inclined to wear them and thus, more likely to actually workout in them. You’ll enter the gym feeling sexy and be ready to kill your workout. 

Ditch the all-or-nothing attitude

This last tip is so important to consider when trying to maintain a sustainable fitness lifestyle. You do not need to do a crazy intense workout every time you go to the gym. Some days are just not your days, and that is okay! Maybe the weather is gloomy, you got your period, or you’re really sore from the other day. Whatever it may be, don’t beat yourself up for skipping the gym if you’re not feeling it. However, in order to maintain a consistent routine, it is still important to do something to move your body. This can be going for a walk, doing a little ab workout, or practicing yoga. No matter what you choose to do, acknowledge your accomplishment and be proud of yourself for choosing to do something beneficial for your brain and body.