The secret to great health is simpler than you think.

We have heard the importance of drinking an adamant amount of water daily since we can remember. But, how many of us have really sat down and learned why and how… not many, so take the next few minutes to educate yourself by reading some quick facts, tips and tricks below.

The common conception of a suggested daily water intake is eight- ounce glasses… but according to The Institute of Medicine, the recommended amount varies according to many factors. IOM recommends that men, 19 years and older, drink at least 13 cups of water a day and that women, 19 years and older, drink at least nine cups of water a day.

Don’t be scared of these numbers, you can do it and it is totally worth it. Water is our saving grace that can… 

1. Aid weight loss.

According to WebMD, one study found that people who drank water before meals ate an average of 75 fewer calories at each meal. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but when multiplied by 365 days a year, that would total to consuming 27,000 less calories… which totals to an estimated eight-pound weight loss. 

2. Improve your complexion.

When you’re dehydrated, your body tries to absorb and hold onto any water left, as the cells retain this water your skin will begin to puff. An adequate amount of water also can help balance out your skin’s oil and water content preventing an excess amount of oil which clogs pores and causes acne.

3. Protect your joints, tissues and spinal cord. 

Drinking water can help back pain?!? Yes, it can. Water lubricates and moistens the discs between your vertebrae that lead to back pain, so think of your discs as sponges that need water to stay cushiony!

4. Remove toxins from your body. 

Water flushes out all the toxins in our body through urination and perspiration. The liver collects these toxins from the bloodstream and converts them into water like substances that are then emitted through urine and  sweat.   

Staying hydrated is not limited to just drinking a glass of water… you can get your daily intake of water in other ways! Some tips that we found helpful were to…

  1. Eat water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables

  2. Flavor your water

  3. Drink carbonated-water (seltzer) 

  4. Dilute your favorite drinks with ½ water

However you drink your water, try and aim for IOM’s suggested amount by setting up a schedule for yourself. There are apps, Hydrocoach is one held in high esteem, that allow you to set a target intake and send you reminders to help you get there. There are also water bottles that have labeled increments along the side that also implement goals and reminders! These water bottles can be found on Amazon, Hydromate, Target and many more stores… 

Along with the apps and marked bottles, you can list out certain times when you will make yourself have a glass of water! Some times that we found to be helpful are: 

  1. When you wake up and when you go to bed

  2. Before and after a meal

  3. Waiting in line or on your way to your morning coffee

  4. 1-1 with your alcoholic beverage 

  5. Right after you urinate

We hope these facts have convinced you to start upping your daily water intake and that our tips and tricks can help you do so!

Share with us @theedgemag if you have any tips and tricks yourself!