How To: Take Care of Yourself This Summer
Photo by Madison Inouye (Pexels).
We’ve rounded up some ideas for how to take time for yourself this summer.
Even though the official Mental Health Awareness Month ended in May, there is never a “wrong” time to take care of yourself and your mental health. The stress of last semester might be over, but the summer months can often provide a new set of stressors for college students. Luckily, the summer also presents an opportunity to take some extra time, without the distraction of school, to practice self-care.
Struggling with your mental health is nothing to be ashamed of, and it’s actually pretty prevalent among college-aged individuals.
According to student surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019 by the American College Health Association, roughly 60% of student participants reported feeling “overwhelming” anxiety, while 40% said they experienced depression in a way that prevented them from succeeding in school. Additionally, the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of college students can’t be understated—according to Active Minds, 89% of college students have experienced anxiety as a result of Covid-19.
Whether you’re working this summer, have an internship, or find yourself spending days at a time at the beach (which, by the way, we’re jealous if you are), below are several ways you can take time to check in with yourself this summer.
Get outside
We know, you’ve heard this one a million times before and are tired of hearing about it, but it’s true! Spending time in nature is scientifically proven to improve both physical and mental health issues, so consider taking a walk or eating your lunch outside. Plus, a little vitamin D never hurt anyone!
Connect with friends
Okay, so this isn’t necessarily checking in with yourself as much as it is checking in with others, but it’s still super important. We know how hard it can be to be at home in the summer months without our friends so sending a quick “how are you?” text or Facetiming someone to say you miss them can really do wonders for your mental health.
Try exercising
Yeah, this is another one you’ve heard over and over again but, like we said before, it’s scientifically proven! So, try to move around this summer, however you see fit (hah, pun not intended), whether that be running, yoga, cardio or more. Taking care of yourself by listening to your body and your brain is especially important.
Reconnect with old hobbies
We all know quarantine was the time of refining new skills and getting back into things we used to love but no longer had time for. Whether it’s reading, painting or baking bread, take some time this summer to get involved with activities you truly love.
Please remember, these are just a few suggestions and not all of them will work for everyone. At the end of the day, you know what self-care looks like for you and what the best way to take care of yourself is. For more ideas beyond what we’ve listed, click here!
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, call NAMI’s HelpLine at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
We do not own any of the images in this article.
Featured image by Madison Inouye from Pexels.