How to Combat the Sunday Scaries

We’ve all been there… crawling out of bed at 1 pm on a Sunday, slightly hungover from one too many White Claws the night before. As if the hangover wasn’t enough,  the week ahead slowly creeps into our thoughts and the anxiety of classes starts to take over. But not this time. Here at The Edge, we want to help you prevent the dreaded Sunday Scaries. 

The Sunday Scaries are a widely experienced phenomenon that is a form of anticipatory anxiety that creates nervousness around the week to come. Many college students unknowingly experience Sunday anxiety while anticipating school work and social events in the upcoming week.  Incorporating these tips into your routine will help you take your Sundays back and start the week off right.

Check in with Yourself

Sunday is the perfect day to focus on your mental and physical health. Taking active steps like journaling or meditating are proven tangible things that truly help you de-stress. Doing some light physical activity like an outdoor walk or yoga can help clear your mind and prepare for the week ahead.

Create a Routine

Having a routine in place that relaxes you can make a significant difference in your mental state. Start by creating a loose schedule for yourself to follow to feel a sense of accomplishment as you complete each task. Even if the routine consists of simply making yourself breakfast and having a movie night, it can still help you feel more organized and satisfied.

Plan time for work

Procrastination can make the anxiety and stress of the week ahead much worse. Carving out some time for things that need to be done can relieve stress and take some pressure off your week.


Water. Water. Water. Hydration, especially while drinking alcohol, is so important. Before you go out, drink water throughout the day. Dehydration can cause headaches, acne,  under-eye bags, and many other unappealing symptoms. Be kind to yourself and your body and drink water.

Treat Yourself

Creating a fun incentive can trick your mind into looking forward to Sundays rather than dreading them. Treating yourself doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Here are a few examples:

  • Cooking a fun meal

  • Face mask and chill

  • Change your sheets (underrated but makes a huge difference)

  • Have a fun night in with friends

Let us know how you combat your Sunday Scaries by tagging the @theedgemag on Instagram!

Beauty & WellnessMaya Drabczyk