How to Adult: Five Small Tips to Make Your Life Easier

Adulting is hard. Not only is it hard, it’s scary. Over the past few years, college students

have been thrown into a very stressful world; many people have had to mature into full-

functioning adults without much help or guidance. Here at The Edge, we understand the fears

surrounding the navigation of adulting. We’ve made a list of tips for you to use when you need

guidance; feel free to take what resonates with you!

Educate Yourself

First and foremost, it’s important for you as an adult to understand what being an adult

means. Whether that has to do with getting a credit card, buying a house, or filling out a tax

form, it’s important that you fully understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Do

your research and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Set time out of your day to educate yourself

on what pertains to you.

Set Goals

When we say, “set goals”, we don’t mean you have to have your entire life planned out.

To get in the habit of setting goals and following them, start small. Make it a goal to cook four

meals for yourself this week. Decide you’re going to clean your bedroom by a certain date. Set

goals for small tasks you know you can accomplish; this helps you prepare for future when

dedicating your time to more life-changing goals (like a career, house, or relationship).

Make a Budget

One of the easiest things you can do to set yourself up for success as a functioning adult

is to set a weekly or monthly budget. Divide your salary—or money in general—into different

categories of need. Calculate the amount of money you’ll need for groceries, bills, and

maintenance. Then, set aside money for things you enjoy, such as personal shopping,

miscellaneous items, or a nice dinner with friends. Lastly, set aside money in case of

emergency. Use this money if you run out in another part of your budget or are in a twist.

Follow the budget you’ve set for yourself on a weekly or monthly basis.

Set Boundaries

Whether it’s with family, friends, or yourself, work on creating healthy boundaries.

Remind your parents that you no longer live with them and can make decisions on your own.

Decline an offer to go out with your friends if you know you have a lot of work to do. Don’t

push yourself too hard when completing a task. Know your voice and listen to it; it has your

best interest in mind! Setting boundaries like these will help you to build strong relationships,

meet deadlines, and accomplish goals.

Take Care of Yourself

The most important thing you can do for yourself as an adult is take care of your mental,

emotional, and physical wellbeing. Keep up with personal hygiene, go on a walk, and eat a

balanced diet. Balance your social and work life and don’t push yourself to the point of

exhaustion. Try to sleep the same amount every night. Work to meet the goals you have set for

yourself. Most importantly, remember that the number one person in your life is you; don’t be

afraid to take a step back and breathe for a second. Remind yourself that you come first and

don’t forget to listen to your wants and needs.

We at The Edge hope that, with these tips, your adult life will be made a little easier to

manage. Don’t be afraid to try new things and ask questions. After all, we’re all just trying to

figure this new world out together!

LifestyleRachel Simmons