Hotness is a Mindset

You know that girl? The one you’ve never officially met but you already know she’s cool? She walks into the room and it’s like she owns the place. All eyes are on her and she knows it. She smiles as she begins to look around, and while she makes her way through the crowd, everyone wonders who she’s trying to find. Who is lucky enough to be sought out by this ethereal creature? She’s hot. She is a hot girl. But, it has nothing to do with her looks. She exudes hotness simply through her demeanor. But how does she do it? To our beloved Edge readers, today we’ll be learning about how to achieve the ~hot girl mindset~.

First things first, it’s important to note that exuding hotness has nothing to do with outside appearance. Attractiveness and “beauty” are both inherently relative. There’s no singular cookie-cutter formula to being beautiful. This article is called “Hotness is a Mindset” because IT IS. The first step to being hot is believing that you’re hot. If you don’t know that you’re a hot-ass chick, then how do you expect others to know it? Once you accept who you are to the fullest degree and leave behind meaningless self-doubting, your attractiveness only goes up.

Confidence is key. Surprisingly, what both men and women find most attractive in a potential partner isn’t body type or facial features― it’s confidence. When you’re truly confident in who you are and what you stand for, it reflects back in how people perceive you. Our confidence automatically convinces others to view us as cooler, funnier, and overall more attractive. Part of being confident is allowing yourself to be authentic. No holding back. Life is short, so why waste it pretending to be someone you’re not?

A lot of us hold back our true selves out of fear. Fear of being disliked, fear of being judged, fear of being annoying; the list goes on. But consider this: why would you want to hang around people who don’t like you for you? In a world with a population of eight billion, there are sure to be people out there who will love all of you. Surround yourself with people who love and care for you with no ulterior motive. When you feel secure in your friendships and relationships, the confidence, and therefore hotness, comes naturally.

Another tip for exuding hotness is dressing for success. Wear clothes because you like them and you feel good about yourself in them, not because you think it’s what you should wear. If you hate doing your makeup, then don’t wear any. If you only feel like yourself when you’re wearing a full face, then wear it. Live your life for yourself, not for other people. Walk into a room with your head held high and own your look. Hold yourself with pride. Body language is sometimes the most crucial communicator. If you look like you’re trying to take up as little space as possible and you just want to be invisible, then people will treat you as such. Looking approachable and like you want to be in the room is a quick and easy way to ooze the hot girl mindset.

Our final tip for being hot is putting yourself out there. An amazing life motto to follow is “you can never have too many friends.” Be kind wherever you go. Don’t be afraid to start the conversation. If you’re in a social setting where you don’t know anyone or feel uncomfortable, simply go up to someone and start talking. We know― easier said than done. But opening your mouth and speaking is the hardest part. Believe it or not, others admire those who can walk into a room and own the place even if they’re uncomfy. It’s college. People are always open to making new friends. Build a reputation for being someone who others feel comfortable around no matter what. Speak your mind. Be witty. Own yourself. Now go forth and be hot, but most importantly, be YOU and rest will fall into place.

Beauty & WellnessRiley Otis