Top 5 Tips for Surviving this Mercury Retrograde

We hate to break this cosmic news to you, but Mercury Retrograde in Libra began on September 27 and will last until October 18. Thankfully this is the last Mercury retrograde of 2021, so after surviving these next few weeks, we can finally lay back and relax.

Some of you may be wondering, what on earth is Mercury retrograde? Well, we’ll tell ya. Basically, Mercury retrograde is an astrological phenomenon in which Mercury looks as if it is moving backward, from west to east, from the perspective back here on earth. This optical illusion is caused by the orbit and astrologers claim this time to be truly a series of unfortunate events.

Mercury retrograde goes far back into ancient times; however, during the mid-18th century, the phenomenon was used to advance British agriculture by syncing planting schedules with the stars and planet’s patterns. By the 1970s, Mercury retrograde was well-known for the chaos it brought upon us. The planet Mercury is often linked with the Roman god, Mercury, who ruled commerce, wealth, and communication, making the planet Mercury known as the planet of communication. For us, this means disruption in technology and communication throughout the retrograde.

Continue reading to find out our top 5 tips for surviving this Mercury retrograde:

Do not start any new projects.

Now is not the time to start any new projects or dive into anything new. Mistakes, errors, redirection and miscommunication will be more likely to happen during this time. Instead, pick up on an old project you did not finish or follow through with. It is best to wait until Mercury goes back into its regular orbit with the other planets to start something new.

Use this time to reflect.

Retrograde is an ideal time to reflect and heal your inner self. This planetary movement allows us to finally take a moment in the midst of the chaos and simultaneously slow down with the cosmic activity and world. You can do this by journaling, meditating, cleaning your space and being mindful.

Make sure your phone and devices are backed up.

Always be prepared for technology malfunctions. It is pretty common for things such as the random disappearance of files or your phone not turning on to happen. Therefore, it is imperative to make sure everything is backed up just in case one of these mishaps happens to you. 

Trust your gut.

The retrograde stress gets us stuck in our heads and makes our minds hazy. The best way to overcome this is to trust your intuition and your gut instincts. Most of the time, it’s right.

Ignore that “hey” text from your ex.

We literally beg you… DO NOT RESPOND TO YOUR EX, AND IF YOU HAVE AN URGE TO TEXT THEM… DON’T. If you do not take anything away from this article, at least take this. Retrogrades are notorious for exes slithering back into our lives, but it strays you from your healing journey. However, with this said, if an old friend reaches out to you, definitely consider rekindling that old friendship.

Please remember to be extra kind, empathetic, patient and gentle to yourself and others through these next few weeks. We wish you the best of luck during your retrograde journey! <3

Beauty & WellnessJuliana Kuhno