Check in With Yourself: The Importance of Alone Time

We all know how much fun it is to go out with your friends, grab dinner and hangout. It’s so easy to be constantly booking yourself in with plans and going out all the time, especially in college. Doing this can make us forget how important spending alone time is. Without this time, we aren’t as in touch with ourselves as we should be.

Now, we’re certainly not saying that spending time with friends isn’t important; it most definitely is! However, being alone and having some time to just be within your own company is just as important, too. In this digital age, we get so caught up in everybody else’s lives, and consuming social media everyday and seeing everyone look so ‘busy’, that we automatically assume that we should constantly be having extravagant plans. But! Remember, your social battery will eventually run out, and you’ll resent going out if you aren’t prioritizing spending time alone. 

Now, what exactly can this look like? Well, there’s lots of activities that can be enjoyed by yourself. Personally, my favorite thing to do is go on walks. I love going on long walks alone listening to music or a podcast, or just being peaceful. It allows me to really clear my head and not feel obligated to socialize with others when I simply just need a break. I encourage everyone to go for walks; it’s such a peaceful thing to do alone! 

Having some alone time in your room watching your comfort movie is such a calming thing to do. You can curl up into bed with your favorite snack, turn on the movie and pretend like there’s no one else in the world but you. Close your blinds, light some candles– just do whatever makes you feel calm and happy in your space.

Another one of our favorites is journaling! Journaling isn’t for everyone, but it’s such an important practice because we’re able to put our thoughts and feelings onto paper, which then allows us to process our emotions better. The next time you need a breather and want to be alone, try journaling!  Try just thought dumping onto a piece of paper and see what you come up with; you might surprise yourself. 

Sometimes we just need to stop and be alone. Sometimes we need to tell our friends we can’t go out, and we choose to stay in and actually get a good night's rest. Don’t think you’re being boring by taking time to yourself– it’s important! You’re going to be filled with amazing memories. Don’t think you’re missing out on anything huge by choosing to be alone for a little while. There’s only one you in this world, so treat yourself with kindness and allow yourself to have a breather.