TikTok Beauty Trends to Avoid

We all love to scroll through TikTok and watch makeup and beauty videos on our FYP. Some are good, some are bad. Lately, there has been a significant increase in viral beauty trends, and they are not too good for you. Advice on the Internet is not always correct, especially if it is not approved or recommended by an expert first. Let’s talk about TikTok beauty trends to avoid and why you should steer clear. 

Face Slugging → Slugging involves coating the face in petroleum jelly or Vaseline. It is supposed to retain moisture in the face and is recommended for dry skin. While it seems beneficial, slugging will trap oils that can cause acne. Instead of providing hydration, the Vaseline will lock in the bad things that can cause skin problems later on.  

Coffee Scrubs → Coffee scrubs aren’t the worst, but they are definitely not the best. Using this scrub on the whole body can actually hurt the skin and cause irritation and inflammation. It’s recommended to use a more delicate and sensitive scrub! 

DIY Lip Filler → This is a recipe for disaster. This dangerous trend involves people injecting their lips with a Hyaluron pen. This at-home treatment plumps the lips, but in a very unhealthy way. If you want lip filler, experts are urging the public to go to a professional, or just use a plumping gloss. Trust us; you don’t want to botch your lips! 

Freckle Tattoos → Faux freckles have always been a big TikTok obsession. They started out as easy makeup and then turned into henna freckles. Most recently, semi-permanent ink has been used in these at-home procedures. TikTok videos have been posted where individuals are literally tattooing their face with ink to achieve the look of freckles. Drop the ink and try eyeliner instead! 

Face Taping → Sounds scary, right? This is where face tape is used to lift areas of the skin to get rid of lines or wrinkles. We don’t recommend performing a mini facelift at home. If face taping is used often, it can stretch skin and underlying tissue. There are so many other ways to “lift” your face with makeup, and it will look just as good! 

Always do your own research, but try to steer clear of these trends; it’s probably for the best! Stick to the real stuff, not the TikToks.