Establishing Your Own Style

“I love your style!” That sentence should invoke happiness and contentment. In our day and age, though, that sentence is the result of carefully curating a wardrobe for years and years. Here at The Edge, those four words can bring up memories of past fashion failures and the many attempts to develop a “style.” But, why do we care so much about our “style”? 

There is a constant urge to be original in our society. Originality can stem from writing movies, making music or even getting dressed in the morning. There is a very negative stigma surrounding non-original ideas. Doesn’t everyone know how hard it is to be authentic in a world that continues to circulate the same ideas again and again? 

For example, the early 2000s were a hit two summers ago, but none of that was original. It’s in the title of the trend: “The Early 2000s”. So, how can the fashion community hate stereotypical fashion when the industry they follow repeats its own trends as well? 

The word “trendy” has also turned into something negative. Society hates followers, but in the end, most of us are followers who don’t want to accept that simple fact. Really, though, how many people can stand out in a crowd when there are only so many fashion types for everyone to follow? 

In the end, getting dressed in the morning should not be a competition to see how “different” you are. Here at The Edge, we believe that you should have the ability to wear what you want to wear without stress. Let’s collectively change our world to become less of a competition. 

Following “trendy” fashion should not have a negative connotation. It simply means that you are trying to discover what style works best for you, and by testing out those trends and what’s popular at the time, you are experimenting with your fashion. There are so many great ways you can find your style nowadays. 

TikTok and Instagram have millions of fashion accounts that post constantly. Creators have also stepped out of gatekeeping and are happy to share links to their clothing and products. Now more than ever, fashion inspiration from social media is beyond simple and easy to navigate. 

Pinterest is also a go-to for anyone, even those not involved in fashion. The website and app allow you to create boards and pin anything that resonates with you and brings you joy. Here at The Edge, there is nothing more relaxing at the end of the day than pulling up Pinterest and seeing pictures that make you smile and bring excitement to your life. 

Lastly, if you happen to live in areas where fashion is a large part of daily life, inspiration is right in front of you. Do not be afraid to go up to someone and ask where their jacket, dress, or pants are from. More likely than not, they will be happy to tell you, and you may make a friend through that simple exchange. 

Fashion should be something exciting and limitless that you look forward to. We strive to provide our readers with some inspiration but, most importantly, a friendly environment to pick and choose fashion elements to drop into your wardrobe. So, if you feel inclined to do so, browse some of our articles! Or don’t! The choice is yours, and that’s what makes life so great.

FashionMadelyn Slattery