Beat the Bloat

In the midst of the holiday season with all the crazy activity going around, remembering to take time for yourself is very important. You really only need five minutes and, of course, a wall to lean up against. 

The Viparita Karani, better known as the “legs on the wall” pose, will help and allow you to feel centered and balanced while remaining calm during the holiday season. Feeling bloated or cramped isn’t getting anyone in the holiday spirit, so these quick and easy poses will help to debloat fast! 

After l down on a soft surface or the floor, place your legs in the air and let them rest on the wall in front of you. This pose is easy and accessible for all ages! This will help to shift the gravitational pull on your digestive system and organs. This pose will help to keep things moving internally while allowing your body to calm down and digest. While this can help many when it comes to digestion, it is also a good tool and resource to decrease anxiety. Allowing yourself to calm down and breathe will help you to maintain and control your breath. This pose helps to relieve stress, calm your mind and improve blood circulation throughout the body. Improving your circulation causes a reduction in bloating, as well as stomach aches and pains. 

If needed, you can modify your pose for extra comfort. Put a towel under your neck for increased neck support. To get more of a deeper stretch, bend your knees against the wall and bring your feet together; creating a “V” shape will help to deepen the stretch and overall digestion. Hugging your knees to your chest and rolling to one side is the easiest way to release the position. Make sure to rest for a moment, then slowly sit up to balance your blood flow! Staying in this position for 10 to 15 minutes, or whatever is most comfortable for you, can help your digestive health overall. The more minutes in this position, the greater the shift and energy flow in your body.