Things You May Not Realize Are Impacting Your Skin

Acne - everyone struggles with some form of it. But, some unlucky individuals suffer much more than others. It seems silly to complain about acne because it’s a universal coming-of-age annoyance that preteens must go through. Right? But, we realize that for some readers, acne means much more than a breakout once a month and can be something that completely takes over their life. Rather than brushing it off as something that happens to every teenager, let's talk about what helps, doesn't help, and what causes an individual to develop cystic acne.

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when pores become clogged with either oil or dead skin particles. Inflammation and bacteria can also irritate the skin and cause hair follicles to become clogged, resulting in acne. There are different types of acne such as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and cystic acne. While acne itself can impact life and daily routines, cystic acne is an entirely different ball game. Cystic acne occurs when cysts develop underneath the skin and trap oil, dead skin, and bacteria. So, what helps acne? If acne impacts your daily life, seeing a dermatologist or esthetician may be a good idea because everyone's skin is different. These lifestyles have helped many with their acne struggles and could help you too!

Do Guilty Pleasure Foods Cause Acne?

It isn't a secret that some foods irritate the skin more than others, but how you choose to nourish your body may be impacting your appearance even more than you think. A study conducted by The American Academy of Determology Association found that a low-glycemic diet could be related to fewer breakouts. Foods with high-glycemic rates are high in sugar and spike your blood sugar; food such as white bread, sugary drinks, and fries can have this effect. A study conducted by the American Academy of Determology Association found that 87% of participants in the United States who moved to a low-glycemic diet reported that they had fewer breakouts.

Your Pillowcase May be Out to Get You

We’re sure by now that everyone has heard that not changing your pillowcase enough can harm your skin. How much harm does this lazy act really do? After learning that acne occurs when pores become clogged with bacteria, we can better understand that failing to wash a pillow with loads of bacteria on it can be harmful; your face touches the pillow the entire night! To avoid pillowcase breakout, you should be switching the sides of your pillow every few days and washing your pillowcase at least once a week. While we are on the note of cleaning things- wash those face masks; they also hold bacteria and dirt that can irritate skin!

Stop Touching Your Face!

Your hands have oil, dirt, and bacteria, and touching your face can spread around these acne-causing substances throughout the day. If you have to touch your face throughout the day, wash them as needed and continue to wash your face in the morning and evening. 

These simple alterations may seem silly, but they could be the difference between one pimple and five. Tag @theedgemag and share the lifestyle changes that help with your skin!