How Crystals Can Change Your Life

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Here at The Edge, we love a good healing method. We know this might sound crazy; how can we believe in assorted shiny rocks? We do because they really work. Let’s talk about it. 

What are crystals, you may ask? They are a group of minerals that are believed to have beneficial properties. According to an article by Time Magazine, they promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing in how they interact with your body’s energy field - or "chakra. They get rid of negative energy as well. Each crystal has a different type of feeling it helps with.

Crystals have been used to heal for at least 6,000 years, since the time of Mesopotamia. In addition, crystals were first utilized by Ancient Egyptians to ward off sickness and negative energy. 

There are so many benefits to improving your mood through the possession of a crystal. Down below are the most common types with each of their purposes. 

Here are the most common types of crystals: 

  • Citrine: an abundance crystal. It raises self-esteem and invites future success as well as money. 

  • Clear Quartz: a healing stone. Do what you want with it! 

  • Garnet: health and creativity stone. Helps prevent nightmares.

  • Moonstone: soothes emotions and encourages peace.

  • Pyrite: a stone for defense and protection. 

  • Rose Quartz: a love crystal. Promotes romance, friendship or family relationships. Helps to comfort. 

Crystals work differently for everyone. A big aspect of the success of crystals is the power of the placebo effect. The placebo effect is defined as a “phenomenon in which some people experience a benefit after the administration of an inactive “look-alike” substance or treatment”. Unfortunately, as far as evidence goes, there is not a lot of research done on crystals. 

However, in 2001 there was a study conducted by psychologist Christopher French. Eighty people were given a crystal and asked to meditate, half were given real and half were given fake. After the given time, participants who held both real and fake crystals reported “feeling a warm sensation in their hand, as well as increased overall well-being.” This is an example of the placebo effect. 

Crystals make you feel automatically better. They provide a sense of good energy. People believe in different ways crystals can help and they are correct. Crystals have an indirect psychological benefit. Believe in it! 

Keep an open mind to attain the positive benefits of crystals and give them a try. It will only do you good.