Introducing Your New Best Friend: The Great Outdoors

Take a look outside your window. Can you see the sun and feel the warm air? Well, we at The Edge are certain you can. Now that the gloomy winter months at Elon are fading away, the bugs and birds are starting to appear and the smiles on students' faces are shining. Seasonal depression is something that hits us all like a truck, and truly takes an effect on mental health and our overall attitudes. The cold and unpredictable North Carolina weather can sometimes force us into isolation inside, feeling unmotivated to change our environment. Taking advantage of the beautiful spring weather can benefit you in many ways that you may not even be aware of. Tread no longer, we at The Edge are here to motivate you to take that step outside and to the outdoors. 

As busy college students approaching spring break, our workloads are increasing and most of all, our stress levels. Being stuck behind a computer for most of your day or in a classroom listening to lectures not only can make your back hurt, but also tempt you to reside in your bed and fall into the sheets forever. One of the ways that the outdoors can benefit your overall health is that it is proven to lower your blood pressure as well as cortisol levels, ultimately relieving the stress and feelings that anxiety and depression can prompt. There is no need to force yourself to go outside solely for the purpose of exercise, but going outside to do work is a great way to incorporate nature into your work schedule.

The best way to maximize your studying routine is to focus for thirty minutes and take five-minute breaks in increments. Though it is hard to find an escape when the weather is dark and uninviting, going outside can help heighten your focus. Stepping outside for even five minutes is beneficial, and according to “Ask The Scientists,” a study done in 2009 discovered that “spending twenty minutes walking in a nearby park was sufficient enough to elevate attention performance in children with ADHD.” Everyone has trouble focusing, and taking that simple step of going outdoors to walk to a dining hall or to just simply enjoy the Elon views can turn you into a work machine. 

By the end of the day, the most relaxing thing to do is become one with your bed and dream all the stress away. We at The Edge want the best for you and are here to inform you that it not only reduces stress but can truly help with sleep regulation. Going outdoors, walking around and basking in the sun opens your body up to the sun and its benefits. With the ubiquity of technology today, and everyone constantly using TikTok to fall asleep (you’re not alone - we all do it), going to bed with phones in our hands has become normalized. When you are in your bed at night and on your phone scrolling through various applications, your body is absorbing the fake light, known as blue light, coming from your mobile device as the sun, tricking your brain into staying awake at night. Even if you use your phone before going to sleep early, it will damage your sleep schedule. Being outdoors provides your body with the natural light that can regulate your sleep schedule and help you snore into a heaven of dreams.

LifestyleRanya Russo