The Importance of Journaling

Society constantly preaches about different ways to improve your physical health, however mental health rarely gets equal attention. We all go through different phases of life and emotions, but one way to elevate your life and get you through tough times is journaling. Journaling is a great tool and is accessible for everyone. 

It can be beneficial in so many different ways. First, it allows you to devote a specific block of time to yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of everyday life, however taking time to reflect on what you're going through is important. Journaling can give you a new point of view on your own life. When you sit down and try to put your thoughts and feelings into words, it can be therapeutic and eye opening. You may start to see things the way others do, establishing more empathy towards yourself. 

Another great aspect of journaling is having documentation of your life. If you stick to it for enough time, you’ll be able to look back on all the emotions you once felt and remember how things used to be. This is a great way to help romanticize your life. It reassures you of who you are and validates the experiences you’ve had, both positive and negative. While reflecting on past journal entries, you will also be able to decipher what’s most important to you. Patterns will develop, showing the thoughts and emotions that came so naturally when documenting your life to help you understand yourself deeper. 

Creativity boosts are also a great result of journaling. Writing more frequently helps grow your communication skills and improve the way you express emotions. There’s no right or wrong way to journal, however if you’re struggling to get started, guided journals are helpful to get thoughts flowing. Guided journals provide prompts, exercises, and activities that help individuals increase their creativity. 

One of the best things about journaling is that it provides you with a safe space to rant. Everyone loves to feel like the main character, but it’s easy to feel as if you’re annoying others when talking too much about your own life. Having a place to put all of your thoughts and energy helps alleviate the desire to overshare. The fact that no one will ever read it helps you escape from judgment or unsolicited advice when ranting to others about your own life. 

Journaling can look different for everyone; that’s the beauty of it. Whether you journal once a day or once a month, in a plain notebook or guided journal, staying in tune with your emotions is extremely beneficial. It helps to process past experiences and figure out what’s truly important to you in life. It’s an easy way to relieve stress and feel productive. Journaling is a powerful tool that gets overlooked and downplayed, however it can transform your life and mindset if you let it.

LifestyleBailey Jordan