Burlington Coffee Spotlight: Salvation Coffee Co.

Salvation Coffee Company owner Jim Young fell in love with coffee in Germany when he began his four-year career as First Lieutenant in the Army. After a frostbite induced injury forced him out of the Army, Young found joy in brewing coffee and learned about the marvels of operating an espresso machine. Young had initially intended to have a long career in the military, but fate would see it differently. 

“I was out in the middle of the woods, humping with snow up to my knees through a terrestrial snow storm. When I got back to base, I had frostbite,” Young said. 

While stationed in Germany, Young was introduced to the prominent coffee culture and was fascinated by the universality of it. Young retired from the Army quickly after his injury and searched for a new purpose in life. He ultimately decided to open up his own coffee shop in his hometown in Burlington, North Carolina. To Young, Salvation Coffee Company focuses on creating a more comfortable and enjoyable environment not only for his customers, but for his employees as well. 

“If they’re having fun behind the counter and consistently cranking out great drinks and beverages for our customers, our customers are having a good time,” Young said. 

Existing for over four years on South Church Street, Young said Salvation Coffee Company provides a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for customers to feel “at home.” Personally, Salvation Coffee Company allowed him to expand his love and appreciation for good coffee. Young strives to boost the community’s spirits one cup at a time. 

“I’ve got some growth that we can still do here, and the consistency of the product is key for if we open up another place,” Young said. 

Creating safe places for all people to come together and support one another remains a common theme throughout the city of Burlington, Young said, and that is exactly what coffee shops such as Salvation Coffee Company aspire to do. 

“I want people to feel safe when they come into my shop. It is my job to support my community,” Young said. 

Young also hopes that his business will continue to showcase the broad range of identities existing within Burlington’s community. According to Young, Salvation Coffee Company brings people together in a profound way. Immediately upon entering the shop, individuals are encouraged to participate in more positive and light-hearted conversations in an effort to educate and spread awareness about key issues in the Burlington community. 

“If someone is engaging in a negative conversation, I will personally ask them to stop and take that conversation elsewhere. This is supposed to be a safe space for everyone,” Young said. 

According to Young, Salvation Coffee Company stresses that all people need to be respectful of one another, regardless of their background.

 “Engaging with an array of identities is a crucial first step to becoming a more global citizen and a more well-rounded person in general,” Young said. 

Salvation Coffee Company works in tandem with the Spartan Sword Organization which is an organization that supports the mental health and well-being of veterans and first responders. Young’s daughter, Courtney Young, serves as the direct liaison between the two entities. She said that the Spartan Sword Organization and Salvation Coffee Company continue to stay active on social media and both are thrilled to be able to host more in-person events this spring. 

“A large part of Spartan Sword’s mission is ensuring not only that veterans’ sacrifices were not in vain, but that the sacrifices of their Afghan allies and families over the past 20-year period are never forgotten,” Courtney Young said. 

Salvation Coffee Company’s presence on social media platforms gets the word out effectively about special events, Courtney Young said. The Spartan Sword Organization often highlights Salvation Coffee Company’s events on its own social media platforms to increase participation and outreach initiatives.

Courtney Young said Salvation Coffee Company and the Spartan Sword Organization have a positive and collaborative relationship with one another, and both strive to make sure veterans and first responders feel loved and appreciated throughout the Burlington community. Part of the mission of both entities is to ensure and support acceptance. This includes a safe space for all individuals to collaborate, listen and grow together, Jim Young said. 

“Coffee is universal and it is a large part of our culture. I want people to feel loved and supported right when they walk in the door,” Young said. 

LifestyleAlexa Morrissey